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If you can read this, Samuel is still a ph@gg0t

Ozma in Napoleon Dynamite

Started by beefunger, January 06, 2005, 05:21:10 pm

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I totally noticed this by chance, but there's a kid in the front row in the auditorium scene in napoleon dynamite wearing an ozma shirt.



I freaked out when I noticed that in theatres...

also, if I recall correctly, daniel's old laptop (the one he used for contraband) was also named Napoleon Dynamite...

does that name have any sort of allusion that I didn't catch?


January 07, 2005, 03:41:07 pm #3 Last Edit: January 07, 2005, 03:44:33 pm by kingofthecongo
it's a pseudonym used by elvis costello. the movie's writers claim they didn't know that before having incidentally given their character the same name.
and yes, Samuel eye!

bulb dylan

Quote from: kingofthecongo on January 07, 2005, 03:41:07 pm
it's a pseudonym used by elvis costello. the movie's writers claim they didn't know that before having incidentally given their character the same name.
and yes, Samuel eye!

GAH!!! This has been bugging me for months. Elvis. I knew it, and I am not buying it either, Samantha. Not that I really mind that they used it, but I don't buy that one.

el alex

there was a thread about this when the movie came out... so when i saw the movie i had to point it out to my friends who didn't care  ;D
i'll get around to this... now
my spaceage


I just got it on DVD, and saw that shot for the first time.  Missed it in the theater, but saw it this time.  I am happy now.  :)
~Ozma is now back.  Do a dance!  :D

To hear more from this strange man, go to the journal.
I also have two podcasts, one updated weekly, and one updated whenever I find the time.  The weekly one is Comic Timing and is found here.The other is "The Geekspeak Report" which is found here.


the first time i saw it this summer i with some friends and when that part came my friend (another ozma fan) and i shouted out 'OZMA!'. we were both very suprised. i was like 'holy crap'.

-Jordan  :)
you're as cold as ice.


I missed it in the cinema, because I was looking out for a red or yellow shirt - I didn't know it was the black one!

I'll have to watch out for it on DVD - my girlfriend loved the film, so I'm sure I'm likely to see it again at some point...
"Just tell me one thing - is this business, or is it personal? Because if it's business, then I'll go away happily. But if it's personal? I'll go away. But I won't be happy."

Fantastic Max

Yeah, when someone had this on an old thread, I hadn't seen the movie yet. Since, I've seen the movie twice at theatres, and saw the shirt both times. Good man.
"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a pizza in my mouth."
-Donkey Lips


February 02, 2005, 07:36:08 pm #11 Last Edit: February 02, 2005, 08:18:57 pm by farvana
Sorry to res the topic, but this bears explanation.

I am from the Preston area.  I actually lived in Franklin, where the egg farm is located.

The guy's name is Chad Abrams, and he was one of my best friends (along with Josh North, to the right [his left]).  The two of them were the ones who got me into Ozma.

The two people to the left (his right) are Matt and Mike, both pretty good friends of mine, also.

We Ozma-ites were a singular crowd.  Unfortunately, I didn't manage to make even one of the concerts in SLC that they went to (there were three that they managed to attend).

99% of the extras on the film were just local kids who came out when they called for volunteers.  If I'd been there that summer, I would have been there, too.

So, that's my claim to fame.  Oh, btw, I think my old handle on this board was whytdraek.


I was always wondering if any story behind that guy would ever come across the board...


I'm the guy in the glasses sitting right next to Chad. I just want to add the correction that we did not make it to three concerts, only two

That's it.

deconstructing dan

...that sucks that ozma broke up.




nope.  i didn't even see napoleon dynamite until the original thread was well under way.



Quote from: justin on January 06, 2005, 10:51:55 pm
I freaked out when I noticed that in theatres...

also, if I recall correctly, daniel's old laptop (the one he used for contraband) was also named Napoleon Dynamite...

does that name have any sort of allusion that I didn't catch?

Actually it was just Napoleon.