Farewell post from 07/24/04 and Return on 01/09/06

Started by imatreeandurnot, June 23, 2006, 04:32:24 PM

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Farewell post from 07/24/04

     Goodbye: Yesterday at 10:01:31pm posted by pe - 170 comments
"Dear ozma fans,
I regret to inform you the band has called it quits. It's been a pleasure to get to know all of you at the shows and through the forum, youââ,¬â,,¢ve all helped our band be all that it could and for that I am personally thankful. It would be impossible to explain all the reasons for our decision due to their personal nature. These problems have affected the creative and professional facets of the band to the extent that no one feels like continuing any longer. Though I personally wanted to wait to make this decision and give everyone the opportunity to think things over, in hopes that something might be salvaged, certain members felt the need to end things as quickly as possible. Therefore, I see no point in waiting even a few more hours to let all of you know whatââ,¬â,,¢s happening. Again, I'm sorry to have to tell you this. I'm telling you this without the consent of the other members of the band, though based on our most recent discussion less than an hour ago I believe the decision to be final and this to be accurate information.
Thanks for the memories and all the kind words over the years that kept us going. Please continue to listen to the music as you always have and remember us as we once were. The forum will remain in operation for the next 2-4 months.


Ryen Slegr"

Posting here to affirm these sentiments and add my simple "thank you".

     Goodbye posted by db - 260 comments
Our band has been the main focus of our lives for almost 9 years, and the decision to break up was an extremely difficult but necessary one for us to make. After reading your responses to Ryen's announcement, I am moved and my heart is warmed knowing that the music the five of us made together connected with you and was relevant to your lives in a very real, positive way. This is a true success with respect to our intentions as a creative partnership, and therefore the name OZMA now represents a group accomplishment that we five will always share. Regardless of any popularity, notoriety, or relative obscurity we may have attained along the way, I am ultimately most proud of the fact that we achieved our unspoken goal of making music which others found to be truly meaningful. This is an achievement that not every rock band can honestly boast, even some much more famous than ours.

I must also take this last opportunity to express our gratitude towards our families, close friends, and business management team who (occasionally against their better judgment) supported us through many long years of practicing, writing, recording, and touring. Particularly appreciative thanks belong to the Edwards family, whose continuous generosity contributed immensely to Ozma's progress and success.


Daniel Brummel

Reunion Announcement 01/09/06


Announcement made January 9th, 2006

WE: Star Wick, Ryen Slegr, Jose Galvez, and Daniel Brummel, do hereby declare our full and true intention to reform, reunite, and otherwise reanimate the rock group OZMA. Manning the drum kit for this incarnation of OZMA will be Kenn Shane, formerly of Addison. After rehearsing and working on new material since September 2005, we will play our first reunited concert on Sunday, March 12th 2006 at the Knitting Factory in Hollywood, CA. Tickets to this concert are now available at www.ticketweb.com. Announcements regarding future OZMA releases and tours will henceforth be made at our official website OzmaOnline.com.

    Ryen, Star, Daniel, Kenn & Jose