Old question, I know... why no Pat?

Started by 150cc, July 21, 2006, 11:13:47 PM

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I'm sure this is an old question, I am an old member who stopped surfing ozma fansites before the breakup.  I'm sure this question has been posed and asked a million times.

Why no Pat when Ozma got back together?  I like the new guy Kenn, he seems to be a pretty good player and a good addition.  I'm just curious about what happened with Pat.

Not Jason

While, to the best of my knowledge, Pat and the original members of Ozma are on good terms, it is my impression that Pat was disinterrested in continuing with Ozma.  There could be any number of reasons why, none of which I could accurately speculate on from my removed perspective, but it didn't come as much of a suprise to me, personally.
You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.


I'm pretty sure they didn't want him back amazingly much so, so when he decided they didn't want to they went and got a new one.