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daniel brummel @ no future

Started by leffler, June 03, 2006, 11:03:17 pm

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this was one of the better shows i've been to in a while.  he had an upright bass playing with him that was freaking sweet.  he said they hadn't played together in a while but she was pretty on.  you know bands that are good on cd but AWESOME in real life?  this was one of those experiences.

i think the set list was (something like) this:

banks of the ohio
mystery of the cathedrals
sao paolo (awesome!)
mr brown
mourning song
some folk song i forget the name

the last song he played was crazy.  i loved it.  i think the lyrics were something about passion for a woman who gives you the blues.  it was cool.

the fresas were hot and trick and the hearstrings was pretty cool too

anyways i wished i had brought a camera to record it.  if you guys get the chance to see him don't miss it.  i'm hoping monstro plays @ no future, that would be rad.


The last song was a Bob Dylan cover, "You're No Good," the first track on the very first Dylan album ever. 

It was a fine night for music all around.  The Fresas were typically charming, Daniel and Laura played an excellent set, and I thought Trick and the Heartstrings were incredible.  Their mesmerizing brand of show-stopping funk has won them a huge following in NYC and I was happy to finally see what all the excitement is about.  They're opening for Ozma Tuesday at Chain Reaction, another reason to catch this show for anyone who needs another reason.


ps ps theres video for a limited time of the show @ nofuturecafe.com  i can't get my stupid computer to play it, someone should put it on youtube


Damn, good catch.  I always forget they do that.

And they're not doing Sorenson .mov any more, thank god.