June 16, 2024, 01:18:25 pm


Maxwell T: @AmishJoe wait are you Jason


Started by leffler, September 08, 2006, 12:09:28 am

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hey.  i have both spending time and rock and roll part tre.  but.  i can't find teh cd's.  and my laptop's power cable is busted.  so i can't get them.  can someone send them via aim per favore?  i don't mean to be all unlegit but i honeslty own them and just want them back !  aim: gensquashington



Check the ozma repository directly above this thread.
The light cast dark shadows all around me


er.. don't because they aren't there, sorry about that, I thought I saw them there... hate the sin not the sinner.
The light cast dark shadows all around me

Fantastic Max

I'd buy them again. Not too much money, and it's better having the cd anyway. At least of your favorite/one of your favorite bands.

I somehow lost Spending Time, yet finally ended up buying it again.
"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a pizza in my mouth."
-Donkey Lips