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Introducing myself...

Started by L, January 16, 2007, 10:11:37 pm

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My name is Laura Cushing - I've been lurking around a bit, trying to get comfortable here, but I figured perhaps I should introduce myself and say hey...

I've just recently been hired on by Ozma to do some assorted things- helping tend the myspace, helping increase the online fanbase, writing newsletters, things like that there. With them recording their new album and getting ready to tour and the like, they need some extra hands. :)

I'm 36 years old, female - mother of three teenagers. I live in New Jersey. I'm a writer by trade proper, but I also do this kind of work for some other bands - Rilo Kiley, The Elected, Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins.

As I'm new around here, I might make some mistakes from time to time- please forgive.

Ozma is currently working towards a goal of doubling their myspace friends (to 40,000) - so if you're on myspace and want to help out-  put them in your top friends, tell your friends about Ozma and so on. 

We're also going to be putting up some banners and icons and the like to link with. If you've got some graphic skills and would like to make one, please let me know.

I'd like to get a more active community going on Live journal, too.

Anyhow, I'd like to ask you guys some questions...

1. Would you like me to post when there's been an update at the myspaces (video blog, etc) - or just when there's something super newsworthy?

Sorry about getting a little post-happy there with the video blog and such- I should have checked the existing boards more carefully for a better place to post those.

Maybe I could make an 'updates from the myspace' thread and just post 'em all there?

2. Is there anything I can do for you guys while I'm here? If there's something I can help with, let me know. If you have any suggestions for things, too - I can pass them on.




could you get me star's recepie for milk tea? my old roomie ran off to hawaii with hers.

p.s. welcome.


I'm glad you're not another of this current wave of n00bs. I mean you still are but you're not derailing random threads and speaking in incorrect english. Consider this your welcome to the boards from the creepiest member since Ian.

ps- your posting is fine, new topics discussing the updates would work pretty well, I think.
Quote from: Golden Laser Sword on May 20, 2010, 05:36:25 am
It is funny how you can get tired of something someone does, and the other person ends up being the sympathetic character. It feels like some shitty Apatow movie.


welcome aboard! and i second the sentiments of stan regarding an update thread. don't feel bad for meany-meanies pushing you around for making a new thread of information that was "known". i sure wasn't aware of some of this news.


Welcome L!

Update at the myspaces (video blog, etc) are good. We always enjoy thoes.Recently they been posted in the studio pictures thread but a new thread would probally fit it better.

That one blog that you posted from ozma I still enjoyed becuase I did not hear it I dont know why I bothered saying I already posted the link to that shifted sound podcast.


Quote from: Tristan on January 17, 2007, 06:27:23 am
I'm glad you're not another of this current wave of n00bs.

There has been a current wave of noobs? Do you mean me? Do you mean the others such as "who you calling weez" or CT-700? Because although their newier than anyone besides l that comes to my mind I dont consider them newbies. I think their pretty decent board members. But I guess I am not considered a decent board member so my opinion does not matter much to many of you.


Quote from: Tristan on January 17, 2007, 06:27:23 am
I'm glad you're not another of this current wave of n00bs. I mean you still are but you're not derailing random threads and speaking in incorrect english. Consider this your welcome to the boards from the creepiest member since Ian.

ps- your posting is fine, new topics discussing the updates would work pretty well, I think.
Whatever happened to Ian?

BTW, welcome!

I like ozma

hello! the only thing i can ask for is just some updates on ozma, you can never have enough of those.


Hello and welcome to the board, the only thing I think there should be more pictures of Star.


Thanks, everyone!

It's good to be here.   ;D


Definitely neat to hear from the managment, except this is Off Topic.  Not trying to be a bitch, though. 


but you are!


(kidding dear. ilu.)
Quote from: Golden Laser Sword on May 20, 2010, 05:36:25 am
It is funny how you can get tired of something someone does, and the other person ends up being the sympathetic character. It feels like some shitty Apatow movie.

Clive Warren

I was going to say she never has to try.
We're all gonna have so much fucking fun we'll need plastic surgery to remove our goddamn smiles.


Scale up an atomic nucleus to a marble's size - it's electron is thus orbiting 3 miles away.
Meaning, the closer you look at yourself, the more you disappear.

The Other Mike

Tell them if they want to get in my top 8 they're gonna have to come to Maine and play a show with my band.
blackjack1084 (11:02:36 PM): eat my ass
blackjack1084 (11:02:38 PM): and get a life



mike, no one wants to hear your chumbawumba cover band.
get over it.
Scale up an atomic nucleus to a marble's size - it's electron is thus orbiting 3 miles away.
Meaning, the closer you look at yourself, the more you disappear.


Clive Warren

Quote from: The Other Mike on January 17, 2007, 01:22:58 pm
Tell them if they want to get in my top 8 they're gonna have to come to Maine and play a show with my band.

Or you could travel to a civilized area and play a show with them.
We're all gonna have so much fucking fun we'll need plastic surgery to remove our goddamn smiles.

anthem for a new amanda

Quote from: The Other Mike on January 17, 2007, 01:22:58 pm
Tell them if they want to get in my top 8 they're gonna have to come to New Jersey and play a show at my venue

Where in Jersey are you from!  NJ ftw.  I think it's one of the top three forum states.

Also, maybe you could just make a big thread in the GOD just for myspace updates that only you can post in?  then people who want to can subscribe to it and get notified when its updated


I'm from South Jersey, down in the Pine Barrens.  It's really pretty here- lots of trees, sand, and critters. Not usually what you think of when you think Jersey.

Oh Jeez...

Just pretend I didn't say anything at all...


Someone admitted they have kids right off the bat!


Quote from: L on January 16, 2007, 10:11:37 pm
My name is Laura Cushing

Laura Cushing? More like BOREa cushing... Right?

it's a bit stuffy in here.


Quote from: Rome on January 17, 2007, 08:04:33 pm
Quote from: L on January 16, 2007, 10:11:37 pm
My name is Laura Cushing

Laura Cushing? More like BOREa cushing... Right?

it's a bit stuffy in here.

That's... original.  ::)


Quote from: L on January 17, 2007, 10:34:13 pm
Quote from: Rome on January 17, 2007, 08:04:33 pm
Quote from: L on January 16, 2007, 10:11:37 pm
My name is Laura Cushing

Laura Cushing? More like BOREa cushing... Right?

it's a bit stuffy in here.

That's... original.  ::)

lol. don't mind rome. and don't become another statistic, either. you might want to read his older posts to get a taste of mister sarcasmo.


January 18, 2007, 09:41:55 am #25 Last Edit: January 18, 2007, 09:46:48 am by Rome
unoriginal? pffffft. No one saw that thing coming.

it was just like BLAO! holy smokes a billy madison joke in 2007?!!?!

I like ozma

i thought it was quite original myself.

anthem for a new amanda

Quote from: L on January 17, 2007, 04:13:36 pm
I'm from South Jersey, down in the Pine Barrens.  It's really pretty here- lots of trees, sand, and critters. Not usually what you think of when you think Jersey.

Oh, so you're from out of state then.

;)  Hehe, what can I say, I'm from the northern half :P


She's like our own Brilliant Zero girl. :D


Quote from: ~IYQ on January 18, 2007, 10:38:08 am
She's like our own Brilliant Zero girl. :D

Hahahha. B-O stinks!

Weren't there a group of 3 or 4 kids with her? I can't remember any of their names...