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Pasadena Album Synopsis

Started by Fantastic Max, May 02, 2007, 04:05:54 pm

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i LOVE bad dogs. i think it gets a ridiculous amount of hatred. i really, really like the song. maybe i have to listen to fight the darkness a little more.


Quote from: Bob Loblaw on May 05, 2007, 10:47:50 am
but bad dogs had a bad-ass extended guitar solo...

i still like FTD. i love the weird gothic twist at the end.

whenever i think of bad dogs, i think of that bad-ass solo. i think that's why i like it so much.

Fantastic Max

Quote from: cesarsalad on May 05, 2007, 11:03:33 am
Quote from: Bob Loblaw on May 05, 2007, 10:47:50 am
but bad dogs had a bad-ass extended guitar solo...

i still like FTD. i love the weird gothic twist at the end.

whenever i think of bad dogs, i think of that bad-ass solo. i think that's why i like it so much.
For me, it's not even the solo, it's moreso that I like the song as a whole, the melody, the vocals....everything.
"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a pizza in my mouth."
-Donkey Lips


No One Needs To Know - 7/10

Barriers - 4/10

Eponine - 7/10

Fight The Darkness - 8/10

Heartache/break - 7/10

Incarnation Blues - 9/10

Lunchbreak - 4/10

Motorology - 6/10

I Wonder - 9/10

Underneath My tree - 10/10

Straight Flush - 10/10

Obviously you can see some of the songs I just can't really get into...the album ends amazingly  I wonder - tree - flush...nice.

I Like Ozma

Quote from: Fantastic Max on May 05, 2007, 12:13:31 pm
Quote from: cesarsalad on May 05, 2007, 11:03:33 am
Quote from: Bob Loblaw on May 05, 2007, 10:47:50 am
but bad dogs had a bad-ass extended guitar solo...

i still like FTD. i love the weird gothic twist at the end.

whenever i think of bad dogs, i think of that bad-ass solo. i think that's why i like it so much.
For me, it's not even the solo, it's moreso that I like the song as a whole, the melody, the vocals....everything.

yeah i like the song in its entirety, its a good song, the melody is great, the harmonies are nice and it does have a great solo.
Quote from: Elliott on December 09, 2006, 03:02:12 pm
Good point, too bad theyre gonna criticize you now.


Honestly, the main thing I don't like about Bad Dogs is the lyrics. Mainly the chorus.

All bad dogs go
to doggy hell
All bad cats go
to kitty hell
Unterreiner is tall and surprisingly thin, given that the floor of his closet is stacked high with junk food. Boxes and bags of Doritos, Twinkies and Ho-Hos spill out onto the floor. He has towels around his window to keep out the cold air at night. "I hate this old house," he said bitterly, then changed the name of an unfinished track to "Cold Day."


May 05, 2007, 04:41:21 pm #66 Last Edit: May 05, 2007, 04:45:10 pm by nagasadow
Hmm..  I think I'll do a track-by-track, in depth analysis.  I've never done anything like that before, should be fun.  Here goes!

1. No One Needs to Know - Okay, this is tough..  The original version of this is one of my very favorite Ozma songs.  I wasn't sure how I would feel to hear it redone.  On my initial listen..  I really liked it.  I think I've decided that I don't like one version more than the other.  The only thing I really missed a lot from the original was the little guitar slide right before the solo, that always got me so pumped up.  I really like the flute trill that was added.  I'll be listening to both versions in the future, whichever one strikes me in the right mood I guess. 9/10

2. Barriers - The guitars sound great, the bass is some of the best on the album (I'll get into that more later.)  The song really moves, the drums and the guitar solo really get me goin.  Very enjoyable lyrics, well delivered.  I don't really see why many of you don't seem to like this one, I think it's great.  9/10

3. Eponine - I understand why they had to redo this song..  But I don't think it goes over as well as No One Needs to Know.  Still a good rendition, but I'm sure most of you feel the same way..  We'd all rather have new songs instead.  However, I've listened to Pasadena probably ten times now, and I haven't skipped Eponine (or anything else) even once.  So, I think that says a lot about it.  It was obviously a great song in the first place. 7.5/10

4. Fight the Darkness - Like I said earlier, I wasn't sure how I would feel about this..  The chorus is clearly repetitive.  But that's not always a bad thing, and I they think they pulled it off pretty well.  It left a pretty clear message anyway, hehe.  What really makes this song great is the fantastic drums and bass.  The more I listen to the album, the more great drum parts I'm catching, so I don't know if it's Kenn's absolute best song..  But it is Daniel's.  He really shines on this one.  And the keyboard at the end is very thrilling.  :)  8.5/10

5. Heartache Vs. Heartbreak - This song is fantastic.  Rachel Haden blows me away, as usual, and Ozma handles male/female harmonies as well as anyone.  Samuel lyrics, great drumming..  But it's the little things on this song that really draw me in.  Like the acoustic guitar in the background, the video game sounds near the middle.  Dan's "Oh it's rusted now!"  Love the solo, but I wish it was longer.  Sweet little drum kick to end it.  10/10

6. Incarnation Blues - I've heard this song a lot now, since it's been up on myspace for quite a while, and it's taken a while to really grow on me..  But now I really enjoy it.  Lyrically one of the best on the album.  Great keyboards, another awesome solo.  Don't know what else to say..  it just plain rocks.  9.5/10

7. Lunchbreak (Cobra's Theme) - The first time I heard this, I thought it was very weird.  I really wasn't sure what to think.  It's just so different from anything else I've ever heard from Ozma.  I don't know how much of this song was Ryen's doing, it seems like a lot..  And I have to say, very well done buddy.  I've really come around.  Yeah, it's different, and that's great, because it rules.  The piano intro is neat, and then the song takes a serious turn into something else.  Just, fantastic lyrical melody all the way through.  The little piano notes here and there are a nice touch.  It ends abruptly, almost too abruptly, but it works.  9.5/10

8. Motorology 3:39 - Wow..  GREAT song.  Love everything about it.  The intro which gives you a hint of the great melody to come.  Every member of the band shines on this song.  Awesome lyrics, fantastic guitar parts.  The lyrics in the second verse make me long for Kid Icarus, but I digress, hehe.  Matthew Caws' guitar part seriously gives me chills every time I hear it.  What a freakin cool guy he is.  The buildup before the last chorus is riveting.  Great kind of random noises at the end that remind me of the ending of some of the songs on the Bootymaster EP. 10/10

9. I Wonder - If there's one song on the album that made me want to pick up a guitar right away and learn it, this is it.  Not a whole lot to say about it, it's a nice change of pace.  Very nice lyrics, great singing.  Again, very different for Ozma, but fits in perfectly.  9/10

10. Underneath My Tree - This song was hyped quite a bit here, my expectations were quite high.  And yeah, just like any time you have high expectations, I was a bit let down.  But don't get me wrong, it's a very solid song.  Certainly nice to hear a studio version.  I don't know..  I do like it, it just doesn't blow me away like some of the other songs do.  The guitars and bass do sound very good.  The instrumental section near the end does go over very well.  And the "Whoa!" at the end is very cool.  8.5/10

11. Straight Flush - I heard the demo of this back when it was on myspace, and I didn't even remember what it sounded like, that's how little of an impression it left on me.  So, needless to say, I wasn't extremely excited to hear it.  Man, that was dumb of me.  This song is stellar, and a perfect way to end the album, in the vain of Continental Drift and Light Years Will Burn.  There's a definite Nada Surf influence, in my opinion, and that's a very good thing.  Dan's singing is incredible, some of his best work.  The lead guitar is seriously moving.  I saw someone say that this and I Wonder should swap places, I completely disagree.  An album like this deserves an epic closer, and boy, it has one.  10/10


To recap my ratings,

No One Needs to Know - 9/10

Barriers - 9/10

Eponine - 7.5/10

Fight the Darkness - 8.5/10

Heartache Vs. Heartbreak - 10/10

Incarnation Blues - 9.5/10

Lunchbreak (Cobra's Theme) - 9.5/10

Motorology 3:39 - 10/10

I Wonder - 9/10

Underneath My Tree - 8.5/10

Straight Flush - 10/10

Pasadena - 10/10

This album stands right up there with anything else these guys have ever done.  It is very different, which may be off-putting to some, but they are so good at what they do, they'll make you fall in love with the new sound.  For quite a while now I've been struggling with the thought of putting Ozma ahead of Weezer as my favorite band..  And I think I can safely say that now.  Weezer has made two 10's, a couple of 7's, and a 6..  Ozma has made four 10's.  I think Ryen really shines on this album, probably more than ever before.  He and Jose both pump out great guitar parts all the way through.  Star's keyboard parts have become more intricate, and interesting, than ever before.  It's nice to hear her voice too, and see a writing credit for her.  Kenn is a fantastic addition to the band.  I've always loved the drumming in Ozma (I know a lot of people wouldn't say that) but it's clear that Kenn took it to a whole new level here.  And it's always nice to have another songwriting presence around. 

Which brings me to my only sad note, and I really hate to say it..  Daniel Brummel is my favorite bassist.  I play the bass myself, and I try my best to play like him.  Most bands these days, the bassist really isn't too apparent, they just play along with the guitarist and call it a day.  I love Daniel because he doesn't do that, he always has cool, interesting parts that are very easy to listen for.  Again, it makes me really sad to say it, and I'm sorry Dan..  But the bass playing on this album was a huge letdown.  Most songs he didn't do anything interesting, or different from Jose and Ryen.  The great, and I mean GREAT, bass playing from the last three albums was just not there.  It was very good on Fight the Darkness and of course No One Needs to Know, and decent on Barriers and Underneath My Tree.  Other than that..  :(  Now, it's important to note, I thought his vocals were fantastic, and I know he has a lot to do with the guitar parts too.  But the bass in Ozma is one of the key reasons I love them, and it's just not there this time out.  It doesn't affect the album too much, and I'm sure a lot of people won't even notice that much..  But being a bassist, and one who looks up to Dan very much, it had a big impact on me.  I still love you Dan, and you're still my hero!!

Well, I guess that's all I have to say about that.  Yep..  great album.  Best I've heard in a long time.
We can blast way inside


My album review:

1. No One Needs To Know: Great song as always. Love the re-recorded vocals and the tightness of the drums. Not much has changed. Daniel kills it on this song.

2. Barriers: Not my favorite song on the record. Great synth harmonies. Could do without it.

3. Eponine: Sounds good. Love the shorter intro w/ out the horns and shit. Once again...Daniel's vocals are Samuel on this record.

4. Fight The Darkness: Has grown on me. Drums sound good. Lead guitar is kickass. Bass is badass.

5. Heartache Vs. Heartbreak: Great song. Can't get enough of the vocal harmonies and gang vocals towards the end. Everything works so good together on this song. Everything just flows together perfectly.

6. Incarnation Blues: Kickass song. The synth melody on this song may be the best on the album. The double-kick drum brings the song into a new dimension. Once again, Dan's vocals sound great.

7. Lunchbreak: Awesome pop song. Sounds like it would fit perfectly on a Cars album. Ryen sounds great on this son of a bitch. Everything works on this for me. Could've done without the "phone dial noise" at the beginning, pushes the cheese factor a bit too high.

8. Motorolgy: Every time I hear it, I'm expecting HvH to break in at the end of the intro. I like this song after just about the 50 second mark. I think the song comes full circle and kicks so much ass after that point. Not that the extended intro isn't good, I just don't think it fits with the rest of the song, but it doesn't harm the song at all. The breakdown at 2:51 is my favorite part of the record so far (3 listens).

9. I Wonder: Motorology flows into I Wonder almost perfectly, going from the most fast paced and kick ass song on the album to this acoustic canticle. I like it. Alot. Very simple song, which is all it needs to be.

10. Underneath My Tree: Does this song almost sound live to anyone else? Never liked D Song all that much. But god damn, has this song evolved or what? I think its Samuel to hear a song 4 years ago, then hear it now, and see what its been made into. I like. Very nice.

11. Straight Flush: This song sounds so much like another song to me. Can't figure it out...but whatever. It's still a pretty good song.

Overall: A great step forward for OZMA. IF they sounded the same as they did when they were 16, which is what I think a lot of people are expecting to hear, it would really depress me. Their sound, I can say, is completely their own. They give new meaning to "wall of sound" on this record. There isn't a dull moment on the record and I think a lot of people will have mixed reviews or say "it sucks." But you're wrong. If you don't appreciate this record, you don't appreciate music. Not only does it make a name for OZMA, in my opinion, it opens up a whole new sub-genre of Power Pop, if you will.


Quote from: tom on May 05, 2007, 07:01:36 pm
If you don't appreciate this record, you don't appreciate music.

::)  ok man...


Quote from: tom on May 05, 2007, 07:01:36 pmIf you don't appreciate this record, you don't appreciate music.

i like the album but this is a fucking retarded thing to say.


On the Seattle show tonight Ryen introduced Fight the Darkness as "the Bad Dogs of the new album".


Quote from: mike on May 05, 2007, 08:27:30 pm
Quote from: tom on May 05, 2007, 07:01:36 pmIf you don't appreciate this record, you don't appreciate music.

i like the album but this is a fucking retarded thing to say.
wow dude, cool.
get a fuckin life.


Quote from: mike on May 05, 2007, 08:27:30 pm
Quote from: tom on May 05, 2007, 07:01:36 pmIf you don't appreciate this record, you don't appreciate music.

i like the album but this is a fucking retarded thing to say.

i like the album but this is a fraking retarded thing to say about a retarded thing to say! aaaaaarrrrrrrr!


I love love LOVE Underneath My Tree!
It's my favorite song currently.
Straight Flush is starting to grow on me, i love the solo at the 2 minute mark...so tasty.


Yeah, how the hell do Tom and Mike have copies?  You're not allowed to leak the album, but random east coast people have it?  What the fuck's going on?


May 05, 2007, 11:05:51 pm #75 Last Edit: May 06, 2007, 08:08:03 am by heysarahsarah
I cannot reveal my sources.
But I will say this: I have a physical copy, not just a ripped version.


I'm in Wisconsin and I have one.  ;D


Quote from: funwithsponges on May 05, 2007, 10:53:22 pm
Yeah, how the hell do Tom and Mike have copies?  You're not allowed to leak the album, but random east coast people have it?  What the fuck's going on?

You can't leak it on the forum.  What people do offboard is up to them. 
Bob511i: But SARAH is my <3

No day but today.

The Argyle Rebellion

1.  No One Needs To Know -- It's actually quite funny; I never liked this song much when it was on Doubble Donkey Disc, but on Pasadena, I actually think they improved it.  I'm not saying that I think they should have redone it, but it does start off the album rather nicely. [8.5/10]

2.  Barriers -- You know, I've heard some people say that Barriers is not a good song and I'm inclined to disagree.  I love the lyrics and solo; overall, really good song that shows that Ryen has really grown musically and is more capable than ever of writing awesome songs. [9.5/10]

3.  Eponine -- Another rehash, but this time, I'm not sure if it's an improvement or a loss.  I understand that they had to do it for a single, but I would have opted for a mix of the two released versions.  I never liked the horns, so I'm glad to see them out of there, but I also wish they hadn't cut Ryen's solo shorter... Ryen can shred. [8/10]

4.  Fight The Darkness -- I'm not a fan of the repetitive chorus, but I do think that musically it's actually a cool song.  I would have taken Kid Icarus over this song anyday, but overall it fits into the album quite well and I can dig it.  [8.5/10]

5.  Heartache Vs. Heartbreak -- Power-pop perfection.  I like everything about this song and, as said earlier, I'm glad to see Star getting her fair share of the songs.  That girl has talent.  [10/10]

6.  Incarnation Blues -- In my opinion, the second in a trilogy of great songs.  Keyboard is really nice here and I can't get over how cool the chorus sounds.  Ryen's solo is great, even if it is ripped from a Yes Dear song.  [10/10]

7.  Lunchbreak (Cobras Theme) -- More proof that Ryen is becoming a better songwriter with time.  In any other environment, the lyrics would have been out of place and rather odd, but in the sonic environment that is created, they fit perfectly.  [10/10]

8.  Motorology 3:39 -- Not impressed with the intro, but hey, different strokes for different folks.  I think that the lyrics are cool and that the music, though I'm not a huge fan, is fitting.  [8/10]

9.  I Wonder -- I wonder how this band is capable of writing quality songs like this in large amounts.  The only gripe I have about this tune is that the guitar sounds out of tune and awkward at some points, but then again, I'm not the greatest judge of guitar tuning.  [10/10]

10.  Underneath My Tree -- D Song.  Brilliant.  I've always enjoyed this song and in this incarnation, nothing is lost.  [10/10]

11.  Straight Flush -- Is it a good song?  Yes?  Is it the song I would have chosen to end an album?  No.  While it is a good song, I feel that it moves a little slow for my tastes.  [8/10]

Overall, I'll give the album a 9.5-10.  It's probably my favorite Ozma album for the fact that it's not the same as anything they've done before... it's more mature and mighty than the older stuff was.  I really think that Kid Icarus should be on the album, but look at D-Song; they had D-Song for a while and it only made it out now... so I think Kid Icarus will be out sometime in the future.

Good job Ozma!



No One Needs to Know didn't really change much, except a few "radio edit" type cuts.  So if you're not gonna completely change the song, why redo it?

Eponine is really bad.  The radio edit cuts are terrible, the lack of wanking at the end sucks, and it just doesn't sound good.  But if they always play the real version live, I won't ever say another bad word about this remake.  Cuz I'm sure that makes their day, right?

I dig Barriers, it's kinda cheesy and fun.  Fight the Darkness is good, but at times it kinda reminds me of a Green Album-era b-side.

Heartache vs. Heartbreak, I Wonder, Underneath My Tree and Straight Flush are really terrific songs.  I'm excited to hear those live (though I believe I've heard Straight Flush live when they played at SC last year).


there's dissonant chords in i wonder but that's for effect.. i don't think the guitar is out of tune..

Zombie Don Ho

1.  No One Needs To Know - i was skeptical about this, but it turned out great. The flute parts and harmonies are a nice touch. I don't think I could ever go back to listening to the DDD version.

2.  Barriers - This could not have been produced any better... I think the people who don't like this song probably just have a general aversion to Ryen's butt-rock tendencies. I like the lyrics, and the drum/guitar fill towards the end is a great moment.

3.  Eponine - while other people are bound to bitch about the rehashing that went on here... I believe the edits make it a much more effective and exciting song. Sonically, it's waaaay closer to what the live show has always delivered. Kenn also brings a whole new level of intensity to it (see that fill that brings the chorus back in for the last time)... i'm also very glad they didn't do that goofy thing from the old version where the recording drops off in volume for the bridge... i would always have to fiddle with the volume in my car. bad production choice! Anyhow, this is the recording that the song has always deserved.

4.  Fight The Darkness - I was ambivalent towards the demo, but this is so superbly produced and over-the-top in it's butt-rock ridiculousness that I'm completely sold on it. More great work by Kenn. I think that Bad Dogs comparison is pretty apt... but I always liked that dumb song too. I think the album needed this.

5.  Heartache Vs. Heartbreak - This is my favorite Dan song on the record. I think the mix of programming and live drums was a brilliant idea, and the vocals contain some of the great moments on the record. I do sort of feel that Ryen's solo could have been longer, because whats there is sweet.

6.  Incarnation Blues -
Kenn again proves his worth with that double kick drum thing. As throughout the record, the vocals are really well performed.

7.  Lunchbreak (Cobras Theme) -
This is Ryen's best writing spot on the album. Very interesting melodically, and the myriad of sonic touches really sell the whole thing. I love that glissando thing before the chorus, and the whistling.

8.  Motorology 3:39 -
I agree that the intro and the rest of the song sound disjointed, but I also think that was sort of the point. Listening to the bootleg, i always thought the missing link was the lack of harmonies, and they definitely delivered for the recording. It's also nice to hear them doing the classic vocal trade-off thing they used to. I have no complaints with how this turned out.

9.  I Wonder -
A great song by anyone's standards. The subtle addition of the string sound towards the end was a good idea.

10.  Underneath My Tree - Epic sounding, as anticipated. Kenn makes this song much more killer than it already was.

11.  Straight Flush - The vocal performance makes this one. another song that greatly benefitied from the addition of harmonies. I think this was the correct choice for the last song.

Overall - This may sound like new album excitement, but I really do think this is a truly great record; I enjoy it all the way through. If I had never heard any Ozma before, and picked this up, I would be intrigued. It cannot be overstated how much Kenn adds to this band. Sonically, I don't think anyone could argue that this isn't the best sounding thing they've ever put out. I'm glad they're continuing to experiment and push the envelope rather than sticking with the basic power-pop thing they could have easily slumped into.

keep the good shit coming, Ozma... you have done well.

I Like Ozma

in what way are "i wonder" and "straight flush" different from the demo's that we heard?
Quote from: Elliott on December 09, 2006, 03:02:12 pm
Good point, too bad theyre gonna criticize you now.


May 06, 2007, 05:46:06 pm #83 Last Edit: May 06, 2007, 10:31:24 pm by brad
on first listen to "i wonder," i noticed kenn has a new harmony part added in one spot and theres that string part at the end, and other synth stuff randomly

"straight flush" didn't sound too different from the demo.  theres that new guitar part at the end as well and more/different backup vocals.


I think the overall production/sound of this album is PERFECT. That's one thing you can't diss about it.


after a few more listens, i gotta admit, i don't know how ryen does it but this fight the darkness song has definitely grown on me.

the album is pretty damn good. i agree with the comment about the production -- this album has excellent production!! way better than stotb's.


The album gets better and better with every listen.
I'm at a point where I love every single track, even FTD (especially the WHOAAAAAAA)
Heartache and Underneath My Tree are still my favorites,  but the rest rules.

Fantastic Max

Quote from: cesarsalad on May 07, 2007, 01:26:02 pm
after a few more listens, i gotta admit, i don't know how ryen does it but this fight the darkness song has definitely grown on me.

the album is pretty damn good. i agree with the comment about the production -- this album has excellent production!! way better than stotb's.
Me too, although, Im still iffy about Barriers  :-\
"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a pizza in my mouth."
-Donkey Lips


motorology is about back to the future, right?

i just got that... this morning... in the shower.

-Jordan  :)
you're as cold as ice.


Quote from: JordanInHelsinki on May 08, 2007, 08:20:47 am
motorology is about back to the future, right?

No, no I don't think so. That one line "I'm still dreaming of clock towers and synchronicity" is in reference to it, sure. But I don't think the song is about BTTF. That sentence is more about Dan than anything.
I'll be rising high above the earth so soon, and the tears I cry might turn into the rain that gently falls upon your window. You'll never know.