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Anyone Else Unbelievably Disappointed?

Started by Tideplaya, May 15, 2007, 10:11:26 am

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The only things I find disappointing are that the album isn't longer and it doesn't have "Kid Icarus" on it.


Too true. Its only 36 minutes. I never liked Kid Icarus or Straight Flush back when we all first heard them. Now I am having a love affair with Straight Flush and keep listening to the bootlegged versions of Kid Icarus wishing it was on the album. Oh well, we eventually got D-Song so I am not that disapointed.

I Like Ozma

I figured there would be a n00b that would make this thread sooner or later. my emotions on this album are mixed. if ozma and their producers love their new music so much why would their two singles be old ozma songs, that just doesnt make any sense its almost like they are not proud of they way that they have matured. i love d-song, i wish the vocals were a little better, and lunchbreak has REALLY grown on me, i hated it the first couple of times i heard it, now i love it. it reminds me of something yesdear would record. i do wish that there were more songs, but overall the album gets a 8.5 out of 10
Quote from: Elliott on December 09, 2006, 03:02:12 pm
Good point, too bad theyre gonna criticize you now.


I've said before that I think Eponine is a disaster.  The fact that they are playing it live really disappoints me.

Anyway, in general, I disagree with you.  The album is good, and fun, and catchy for the most part.


May 15, 2007, 07:54:27 pm #34 Last Edit: May 15, 2007, 07:56:43 pm by Mister_E
I really enjoy the album. Motorology is one of my favorites, it really fits the "new Ozma" sound. I liked the new No One Needs to Know a lot better, and Barriers, Incarnation Blues, and HvH are my other faves.

Quote from: Not Jason on May 15, 2007, 04:09:23 pm
I love how you capitalize the entirety of "OZMA" every time you type it.

I still haven't heard the new record.  I'm on a budget right now so I can't quite justify buying it until my next check comes in.  I've heard almost everything on it in some form or another though, and I've been relatively pleased.  Whether or not this album endures as a stand out favorite for me is something that has yet to be proven, but so far, everything I've heard from it has surpassed my expectations (save for possibly the previously released songs, which to be fair didn't exactly suck either).  I look forward to finaly hearing the whole thing.

If you'd like to hear it, the entire thing is on their myspace.


i'm mixed.  the "singles" that it advertises on a sticker on the front are two very old songs, but still goodies.  then there are a few Samuel new gems like heartache vs heartbreak and incarnation blues.  those caught me very quickly.  and i'm so glad they put underneath my tree on the album, i always liked the old live versions of it.  besides that, i'm not yet taking to the others.  granted, i've only listened to the whole thing twice so far, so that could change.  all in all, it's decent, though it seems like more of a departure from spending time on the borderline than i was expecting.  i guess a lot can happen in four years.


forget that..WHY CANT I EVEN FIND THE ALBUM at stores...bigger problem, the band cant make it big if people cant buy it at a store..Course online u could buy though, but i like to have actual cd..


Quote from: I Like Ozma on May 15, 2007, 06:00:28 pm
if ozma and their producers love their new music so much why would their two singles be old ozma songs, that just doesnt make any sense its almost like they are not proud of they way that they have matured.

This might be an attempt to get new Ozma listeners into the older albums, though I'm not sure how effective this can be.
ТолÃ'Å'ко гÃ'â,¬Ã'Ð´Ã'Æ'Ã'‰ÐµÐµ - облаÃ'Ã'‚Ã'Å' поÃ'Ã'‚а.


I love the guy who called me a noob.  I forgot in the world of online forums you have to post on a message board to be a real fan.  So much for being a fan way back when RRP3 came out.  That guy also has mixed emotions about the album, and gave it an 8.5 out of 10.  I wish I had mixed emotions like that in life!  I'd be incredibly optomistic.

I think I was wrong about Underneath the Tree.  I am now making that the 4th song I like on the album.

However, I think they butchered No One Needs to Know, one of the best OZMA songs in my humble opinion, and I dislike Lunchbreak more now.  Also, Fight The Darkness, Barriers, I Wonder, and Straight Flush just aren't growing on me.  I still don't think they are good songs.

I am withholding on Motorology for now.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Ultimately, this just doesn't sound like an OZMA album.  It sounds like a Yes Dear album, and I really disliked Yes Dear.


Tideplaya, to start off with..
Quote from: Tideplaya on May 15, 2007, 12:36:37 pm
Wow.  I can't even imagine how few records you have listened to before.  Even the people on here who love the album aren't calling it catchy.

That was an extremely rude and provocative statement.
I love the album (though I've only heard it on Myspace), and I believe the songs are pretty catchy once they grow on you. I've had a few of them stuck in my head in the past few weeks.

I don't like the new No One Needs to Know either. I really really expect the bass break near the start to start off way slower and go on for longer, every time I hear it. But I never was that into the song, especially the lyrics, anyway. Lol @ that guy noticing one less hammer on

Quote from: Tideplaya
Where are the melodies?  The harmonies?  The hooks?  The emotion?  Hell, where is the pop?

Well this is entirely subjective (and I'm sure you know that). These characteristics are certainly still around, as far as I'm concerned. They might become apparent with time, or maybe not. I can relate a bit, when I first heard the demos nothing really stood out to me, but by now I'm really into a lot of the songs which I didn't like prima facie (Fight the Darkness, Barriers, everything else basically). I don't know what you mean by asking where the harmonies are though, I'm sure those are objectively still present.

I know where you're coming from when you say it sounds like Yes Dear album. But to me, it mixes the best elements of Yes Dear with a lot of Ozmaness. I think I probably like this album more than STOTBL in fact, a few of the songs on that just have little elements that keeps them from being awesome, and I consider Pasadena an improvement lyrically.
Unterreiner is tall and surprisingly thin, given that the floor of his closet is stacked high with junk food. Boxes and bags of Doritos, Twinkies and Ho-Hos spill out onto the floor. He has towels around his window to keep out the cold air at night. "I hate this old house," he said bitterly, then changed the name of an unfinished track to "Cold Day."


Quote from: Someone Great on May 15, 2007, 01:57:42 pm
I hate any carnation of Eponine.  It's my least favorite Ozma song ever.  I hated it on STOTBL.

Are you referring to the flower? Or the baby formula?

ozma. not.

tideplaya, I GOT 'YO BACK.  i couldn't agree with you more and i too have been a diehard fan for years.  why does everyone here act like it's impossible for ozma to put out a mediocre album or a single song that's anything less than perfect.  being a true fan doesn't mean you have to blindly force yourself to believe that every single one of your favorite band's songs are Samuel and GENIUS--some of them most definitely aren't.  "fight the darkness" and "straight flush" are probably my most hated ozma songs of ALL TIME.  yes, there are some winners(hvh, incarnation, underneath) but unfortunately for me, the bad tracks on this album outweigh the good.  i don't know what any of these songs are ABOUT(where IS the emotion?) and the melodies(or lack thereof) frustrate the hell out of me.  for a powerpop band, i think ozma succeeded in making one of the most unpoppy powerpop albums i've ever heard in my life.


Quote from: ozma. not. on May 16, 2007, 12:21:49 am
tideplaya, I GOT 'YO BACK.  i couldn't agree with you more and i too have been a diehard fan for years.  why does everyone here act like it's impossible for ozma to put out a mediocre album or a single song that's anything less than perfect.  being a true fan doesn't mean you have to blindly force yourself to believe that every single one of your favorite band's songs are Samuel and GENIUS--some of them most definitely aren't.  "fight the darkness" and "straight flush" are probably my most hated ozma songs of ALL TIME.  yes, there are some winners(hvh, incarnation, underneath) but unfortunately for me, the bad tracks on this album outweigh the good.  i don't know what any of these songs are ABOUT(where IS the emotion?) and the melodies(or lack thereof) frustrate the hell out of me.  for a powerpop band, i think ozma succeeded in making one of the most unpoppy powerpop albums i've ever heard in my life.

Okay, okay, already.

I apologize on behalf of my fellow OFFers.  However, please do understand this is the expected response in a situation like this.  When I first started posting on the boards, it didn't matter how much I loved Ozma--I was getting shit for no reason.  That's just the way the internet is.  (Thanks Al Gore)

I do understand the malcontent replies in regards to topics stating "unbelievable disappointment" with Ozma.  Of course Ozma fans are going to give you--or Tideplaya, or ANYONE--shit for disliking the new Ozma album.  Especially if they DO like it.

I really get the vibe that people are saying it's bad only for the sake of saying it's bad.  Why do you feel a need to prove that point?  Like I said in my initial reply, I also was disappointed at first.  But, it's grown on me remarkably well, and I agree with Tom in saying it's one of my top album picks of this year.  Sure, it might be the most unpoppy powerpop album ever, but maybe it's not supposed to be a powerpop album.  I know people had expectations for Ozma's musical direction, and all of those expectations can obviously not be satisfied.  I was not expecting the album to be anything like this, but I've still put that behind me and fallen in love with the songs.  I can understand being so disappointed in something, that you take out that disappointment on those who enjoy it, but that doesn't mean those who enjoy it are in need of a psychological analysis.

I truly don't believe the "hardcore fans" have fallen in love with this album solely because it's Ozma.  If anything, I'm surprised that some of the people who say they like it, actually, sincerely like it.  I think people were wanting a reason to be over Ozma, but then they were blown away by this very different, but still very good record.

And of course, it all comes down to personal opinion.  You either like it, or you don't.  You either eventually will, or you eventually won't.  But I believe the shit getting thrown around now is just in defense of Ozma, and in disdain for those "new to the boards" regardless of how long they've considered themselves fans.

Tide, I do understand your points, but solely because I felt the same way at first, I urge you to keep listening to it.  "Ozma. Not." I understand your points as well, but I urge you to believe that these are NOT just fans who will love every Ozma song until their dying day "just because" it's Ozma.  I happen to like Straight Flush.  I don't really care to listen to Fight the Darkness, but I also never really cared to listen to the first half (first EP) of the DDD.  Many of the fans here might be mega-assholes, but they really are thoughtful fans of Ozma who are here for the long-haul.  They are going to say what they truly believe, and are not going to be blinded by featured MySpace ads or radio singles--OR the fact that it's Ozma.  If they say they like the songs, there's no ulterior motive or "blindness" behind it.

Suggesting that people ONLY like it 'cause it's Ozma is NOT what's going on.  Calling for fans to hate the album doesn't--and shouldn't--sit well with us.  This should be a discussion about the music, and not a personal analysis of Ozma fans.

Fantastic Max

May 16, 2007, 05:45:44 am #43 Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 05:48:20 am by Fantastic Max
Quote from: ozma. not. on May 16, 2007, 12:21:49 am
why does everyone here act like it's impossible for ozma to put out a mediocre album or a single song that's anything less than perfect.

First of all that sentence requires a question mark. Here ya go "?"

Second of all, who here has given even the slightest hint that they only like the album because of loyalties to the band? I sure as hell don't. I mean yeah, I'll support them till they die, but if I thought an album sucked, I'd say so yet still support them. I've yet to see anyone else on here act any differently. So who are you referring to?

Is it because most of us differ from your opinion?; that there must be some underlying cause(loyalty to Ozma)?

Quote from: FireAarro on May 15, 2007, 11:02:09 pm
Lol @ that guy noticing one less hammer on
"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a pizza in my mouth."
-Donkey Lips


I just love how these people registered in the last two days, and then give us shit about posting on an internet forum.

Guys, it has nothing to do with post count.  I'm sure you guys are definitely "diehard" Ozma fans.  So why say it?  Why can't you just say, "Yeah, i've been a fan for a while, but I don't really like this blahblahblah".  Christ, it's like everybody needs to PROVE their fandom.

And I'm really confused why people in GOD lately seem to think that music is objective?  ______ says ___ song is better than _____, therefore it must be true.  What is that?


Quote from: ozma. not. on May 16, 2007, 12:21:49 am
why does everyone here act like it's impossible for ozma to put out a mediocre album or a single song that's anything less than perfect.  being a true fan doesn't mean you have to blindly force yourself to believe that every single one of your favorite band's songs are Samuel and GENIUS--some of them most definitely aren't.

What I really don't get is why people post saying things like this. I genuinely like the new album. There aren't really any people on the forum who act like you've described; a lot of people were pretty disappointed hearing the album demos the first time around and about half of us took a few days to warm up to the new album in it's complete form. And Ozma have put several mediocre songs on record throughout their career.
Unterreiner is tall and surprisingly thin, given that the floor of his closet is stacked high with junk food. Boxes and bags of Doritos, Twinkies and Ho-Hos spill out onto the floor. He has towels around his window to keep out the cold air at night. "I hate this old house," he said bitterly, then changed the name of an unfinished track to "Cold Day."


Quote from: Tideplaya on May 15, 2007, 12:36:37 pm
Quote from: savewhatyouare on May 15, 2007, 12:32:11 pm
this is one the catchiest records i have ever heard...in my life.

Wow.  I can't even imagine how few records you have listened to before.  Even the people on here who love the album aren't calling it catchy.

it's incredibly catchy, and in my opinion their most pop album yet


I like the new album, although I have the opposite tastes of Sam. I don't like Straight Flush, but I love Fight the Darkness


Opinions, guys. Opinions. We're not just circlejerkin' Ozma here.

Also, you have to realize that yeah a lot of us have a high post count, but that doesn't mean we're all XOZMAXCOREX. A lot of people here don't even listen to Ozma anymore, they're just here for the community. We're not going to kick you off the boards for not being the BIGGEST OSMA FAN EVARZZ, but you guys need to stop asserting that you've loved Ozma since the womb. We're not going to talk shit about you just because you only got into the band a year or two ago. The only time that kind of behavior is going to come out from older members is when somebody posts something factually inaccurate or just plain ridiculous.

You just gotta realize, you're posting on the INTERNET. Its not like we're going to come to your house and kick your ass for not being the biggest fan you can be. So chill out and enjoy the music.
Quote from: Golden Laser Sword on May 20, 2010, 05:36:25 am
It is funny how you can get tired of something someone does, and the other person ends up being the sympathetic character. It feels like some shitty Apatow movie.


Also, I wish people would stop posting things that are just incorrect, like "there are only 4 good songs on this album". A better way to phrase that would be "I only like 4 songs on this album." Objectivity, people.

With that said, it is what it is. This may be the "most un-power-poppy" album Ozma has released, but hold on a minute here. Why does that matter? Bands change. I love the new direction that Ozma has taken. I love the fact that Ryen and Daniel have different styles that give you songs like I Wonder and Lunchbreak coming from the same band (and I think they're both equally good). I Wonder is not a power pop song, but does that matter so much? Every new incarnation of Ozma will disappoint SOMEONE, especially if they're expecting Game Over or The Ups And Downs. Bands change. Ozma is probably not power-pop anymore. And I'm OK with that.


lol!  It's like my long post had babies.


May 16, 2007, 01:53:47 pm #50 Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 02:53:35 pm by Tideplaya

it's incredibly catchy, and in my opinion their most pop album yet

I'm sorry, but I just don't know how you can make this argument.  If you think it is poppy and catchy, fine, I disagree.  But I don't see how you can honestly call this their MOST pop album yet.

Fantastic Max

Quote from: Tim/Rodney/Zach/Andrew/Rome on May 16, 2007, 11:58:17 am
lol!  It's like my long post had babies.
Yeah, it's just like everyone's rehashing what others are saying, and in reality, this thread shouldn't have even been started. They could have easily posted in the Album Synopsis thread or something. I don't even care anymore. Just a bunch of posts regurgitating the same sentiments.
"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a pizza in my mouth."
-Donkey Lips


OMG i thought i was the only one feeling this way about the album. actually i already listened to it on their myspace and believe it or not, i actually felt bored listening to the way the new album sounds.
well i never actually own an album from ozma cuz i cun find it anywhere here but when i saw 'pasadena' being sold at HMV, i grabbed it without thinking twice. well my first ozma album and dammn i was dissappointed!

im not sure if its a bad mixed album that made it sound less punchy but then i realised, the band must really hit their low down. its just like how weezer looses their touch when they realease malidroit.

i mean apart from their new songs, the new version of eponin and NONTK is totally unnecessary. the guitar sounded empty. i really prefer the original ones.
and the way i see it, i simply feel that the reason why they cut eponin short is probably cuz they want it to be suitable for radio play cuz the way the songs are bein cut short, just doesn't make sense.

im not trying to criticize the band cuz this is the first time i actually felt board listening to an ozma realease.
with RRP3----> not a single boring song
DDD----------> not a single boring song
STOTBL------> totally awsome
pasadena-----> dammn....what the hell is it with 'lunchbreak'


Quote from: butterfly on May 16, 2007, 04:13:20 pm
OMG i thought i was the only one feeling this way about the album. actually i already listened to it on their myspace and believe it or not, i actually felt bored listening to the way the new album sounds.
well i never actually own an album from ozma cuz i cun find it anywhere here but when i saw 'pasadena' being sold at HMV, i grabbed it without thinking twice. well my first ozma album and dammn i was dissappointed!

im not sure if its a bad mixed album that made it sound less punchy but then i realised, the band must really hit their low down. its just like how weezer looses their touch when they realease malidroit.

i mean apart from their new songs, the new version of eponin and NONTK is totally unnecessary. the guitar sounded empty. i really prefer the original ones.
and the way i see it, i simply feel that the reason why they cut eponin short is probably cuz they want it to be suitable for radio play cuz the way the songs are bein cut short, just doesn't make sense.

im not trying to criticize the band cuz this is the first time i actually felt board listening to an ozma realease.
with RRP3----> not a single boring song
DDD----------> not a single boring song
STOTBL------> totally awsome
pasadena-----> dammn....what the hell is it with 'lunchbreak'
I'd like to think this post is trying to ironically make fun of people who are bashing the new album.  I'd really like to...


I don't know how many times it needs to be said. The band only agreed to re-hash no one...and eponine for the label.
They made them more radio friendly.
It's not that OZMA was like...lets take out all these parts to fuck with our fans.

Zombie Don Ho

Quote from: Jeff42 on May 16, 2007, 04:18:31 pm
Quote from: butterfly on May 16, 2007, 04:13:20 pm
OMG i thought i was the only one feeling this way about the album. actually i already listened to it on their myspace and believe it or not, i actually felt bored listening to the way the new album sounds.
well i never actually own an album from ozma cuz i cun find it anywhere here but when i saw 'pasadena' being sold at HMV, i grabbed it without thinking twice. well my first ozma album and dammn i was dissappointed!

im not sure if its a bad mixed album that made it sound less punchy but then i realised, the band must really hit their low down. its just like how weezer looses their touch when they realease malidroit.

i mean apart from their new songs, the new version of eponin and NONTK is totally unnecessary. the guitar sounded empty. i really prefer the original ones.
and the way i see it, i simply feel that the reason why they cut eponin short is probably cuz they want it to be suitable for radio play cuz the way the songs are bein cut short, just doesn't make sense.

im not trying to criticize the band cuz this is the first time i actually felt board listening to an ozma realease.
with RRP3----> not a single boring song
DDD----------> not a single boring song
STOTBL------> totally awsome
pasadena-----> dammn....what the hell is it with 'lunchbreak'
I'd like to think this post is trying to ironically make fun of people who are bashing the new album.  I'd really like to...

i'm hoping there's some sort of language barrier or severe learning disability at play...


it sounds to me like ozma needs new fans. a 10,000 kid fanbase doesn't come close to making a living for a 5 person band. of course they want you guys to like the record, but when you look at the bigger picture.... what matters is they get a really big song on the radio and can get paid. being able to afford an apartment would be nice.

I Like Ozma

sounds to me like ozma needs to write more songs. and yes they do need more fans. i just dont get why if they were going to re record two songs they just couldnt put two new songs to replace them too.
Quote from: Elliott on December 09, 2006, 03:02:12 pm
Good point, too bad theyre gonna criticize you now.


i don't know how many times i have to say this... the managers wanted those songs on the record. they were convinced those were the singles. that's it. no one else was into it, but they went along with it. i 100% wanted those other songs on the record. it's unfortunate, but there is much more to making records than just music. you have to play politics as well.

I Like Ozma

i understand that the MANAGERS wanted them to have those as the singles but why did it only have to be an 11 song album with only 9 new songs? it just doesnt make sense.
Quote from: Elliott on December 09, 2006, 03:02:12 pm
Good point, too bad theyre gonna criticize you now.