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new ozma song up on the myspace!

Started by Tri$tan, October 07, 2008, 06:42:53 pm

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from the bulletin:
Helloââ,¬â€¹ Fans,ââ,¬â€¹
A new song calleââ,¬â€¹d "ââ,¬â€¹Into Lightââ,¬â€¹"ââ,¬â€¹ was posteââ,¬â€¹d a few days ago, it will be releaââ,¬â€¹sed on a Japanââ,¬â€¹ese compiââ,¬â€¹latioââ,¬â€¹n calleââ,¬â€¹d Ok!ââ,¬â€¹powerââ,¬â€¹pop.ââ,¬â€¹ For more inforââ,¬â€¹matioââ,¬â€¹n go to www.myspaââ,¬â€¹ce.ââ,¬â€¹ com/ââ,¬â€¹okpowââ,¬â€¹erpopââ,¬â€¹

thankââ,¬â€¹s and enjoyââ,¬â€¹ the trackââ,¬â€¹,ââ,¬â€¹

Ryen & OZMA

I don't like it that much but I only listened to it once. Opinions?

Quote from: Golden Laser Sword on May 20, 2010, 05:36:25 am
It is funny how you can get tired of something someone does, and the other person ends up being the sympathetic character. It feels like some shitty Apatow movie.


The light cast dark shadows all around me

Not Jason

This is one of those recent Ozma songs that while good, seems to lack any kind of motion.  I don't know if this is a result of the production or just the rather subdued performance, but I don't think it's necessarily hardwired into the song.  Assuming this was an outtake from Pasadena, it could well be a result of the unfortunate radio-pop compression that the whole thing was soaked in... tends to flatten things out, dynamically.  In any case, it's definitely a grower, but it sounds musically pretty cool.  I don't blame them for their lack of passion as of late, but given the quality of the arrangement on some of the recent stuff, I would love to hear what could happen if they just really pushed themselves to make something Samuel.  I think Pasadena was indeed slaved over, but the efforts seemed convoluted by the pressure to achieve commercial success.  Point is, this is another one of those teasers that makes me think Ozma could still do something truly great, like a late 20s answer to what they were doing in high school.  I dig the instrumental sections a lot.
You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.


I was disappointed back when this one didn't make it onto Pasadena. It's a good song. But like Jason, I think it lacks...something. Pretty sure this is the exact same demo they posted before Pasadena came out, except redone vocals? Maybe some tweaking on other stuff, but still the same. Like I said, I really do like the song. It just needs an extra kick to it. Not sure what I mean.
I'll be rising high above the earth so soon, and the tears I cry might turn into the rain that gently falls upon your window. You'll never know.


Not Jason

Quote from: brad on October 08, 2008, 08:37:10 pm
How is this new?

I knew I'd heard the song before, but I couldn't remember the context.  Having never committed the track to my hard-drive, I didn't have much to go on.  Assuming that this is one of those pre-pasadena demos, that could explain why my criticism seems so familiar.  I remember saying those same things (flat, no movement) about those demos when they originally popped up.
You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.

I Like Ozma

yeah its an old song and it still sounds almost exactly the same except for a few minor details.
Quote from: Elliott on December 09, 2006, 03:02:12 pm
Good point, too bad theyre gonna criticize you now.