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Jose's new super secret project.

Started by EndTransmission, April 13, 2009, 12:10:55 am

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Hey everyone. So, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell anyone this yet, but Jose from Ozma is up to no good.

and when I say that, I mean he's started producing.

He's working with End Transmission to make their debut full-length. Coming out this summer.

We just spent all day in pasadena with him recording demos. These next few months are going to be pretty damn exciting.


go add us on myspace. Although you won't be able to hear the tracks he's working on for a little bit. Follow the making of the record with the webisodes, soon to be posted. Thanks.

-End Transmission


I Like Ozma

Thanks for the update on one of ozmas members, too bad it has to be a shameless plug just so people will listen to your music *cough* like the person posted above me *cough*
Quote from: Elliott on December 09, 2006, 03:02:12 pm
Good point, too bad theyre gonna criticize you now.


and those plugs hurt your feelings?


Well, sorry about that shameless plug.

It's kind of what you have to do as a small unknown band.

To be honest, I don't care if you listen to my music or not. I did think, however, that the few people who actually care enough about Ozma to be on a fan forum would probably want to know about this.



EndTransmission: Ignore I Like Ozma. Everyone else does.


This should be good. Jose seems to have some pretty good ears! I look forward to hearing the finished product.
I don't believe in pants. I just believe in me.


I'll listen to you.  Jose wrote the greatest song in the world...Immigration Song....so if he likes you, then you can't "suck" at least.

Good luck recording, and post your shit when you're done!

nevermind, I'll hear you at the Crabs show.
i love you guys


let's see if this works.

here's a quick video of us doing the demos on Easter. not too much to it, but it'll give you an idea of what we're doing...maybe.

I'll keep this updated with the progress. I have a lot of faith in Jose and Billy.


i like jose. therefore, i must like you.  :)
Don't be fooled. Beneath my bitter, snarky exterior lies my bitter, snarky interior.



Quote from: starlet on May 02, 2009, 08:38:43 am
i like jose. therefore, i must like you.  :)

well, I definitely appreciate that!

honestly, Ozma is pretty much the reason we put a keyboard in our band. they've been a HUGE inspiration for me ever since I saw them in 2002 for the first time.

Getting to work with Jose is a total dream come true for myself and my bandmates. It's really hard not coming off like total fanboys around him.

I'm pretty damn excited about this album.  ;D


saw end transmission open for the crabs yesterday -- they totally rocked


Quote from: cesarsalad on May 17, 2009, 02:06:42 am
saw end transmission open for the crabs yesterday -- they totally rocked

thank you for watching us, and for thinking we rocked. The crowd was really good to us.

anyone else catch our set?


May 31, 2009, 02:42:18 pm #13 Last Edit: May 31, 2009, 02:47:49 pm by phatpubah
i didn't but i still love you guys.

also, OMG WHO IZ DIS?! 



hey phatpubah,

that's great that you have a totally unbiased opinion of End Transmission! Thanks for loving us. We love you too.

You should tell more of your friends about us! I'm sure you're in a band or something. Maybe we can even play a show together sometime. Crazy, right?! Me asking you to play shows with us, when I haven't even heard your band! are you in a band? I don't even know!! omglol




i dig you guys too, maybe when i actually get shit together something can happen
"in the immortal words of Thomas G. Warrior: ughhhhh!!"