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Update on Star and Patrick's current endeavors

Started by interior_decor, February 15, 2005, 05:46:17 pm

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First off, I am a junior attending a public HS in SoCal (near Pasadena). With the SATs coming up, my school is offering this Princeton Review prep class and a good portion of my 11th grade class signed up for it, including myself. Also, I knew little to nothing about Ozma up until I got back home from school today.

Well, the first class was today, after school, and I ended up being enrolled into a class with an instructor named, well, Star. Course, I'm sure you all know her as the former keyboardist of Ozma -- but, at the time, all I thought was, "Heh, interesting name." Sorry to say, but the class was fairly boring, as all we went through were some basic techniques, learning how to do sentence completions by covering up the words blah blah blah.

However, towards the end of the two-hour class, we all had a discussion on future plans, talking about which colleges we wanted to go to. Someone asked where she went; she replied that she had graduated from Pepperdine University and was headed off to Duke soon to attend their medical school. At this point, I still had no idea that she was a former member of an established, fairly well-known indie pop/rock band.

It wasn't until she asked about our extracurricular activities and someone replied that he was in jazz band that she, I guess, found an opportunity to note that she plays flute and the piano -- and used to be the keyboardist for a particular band, Ozma  ;)  She seemed kind of reluctant when she said this, and rightfully so, I guess -- as it seemed that no one in the room had even have heard of Ozma, which is ironic, 'cause I recognized several kids who were supposedly part of the indie crowd in the class,

Personally, however, the name Ozma rang a bell the moment she said it. I was like, I could have sworn I've heard of that band before, somewhere on the net. Funny thing is, though, before she even mentioned anything about Ozma, she had asked this one girl what kind of music she liked. "Indie rock," she replied.  Star then asked which albums she would take along with her to college. The girl seemed embarrassed and merely replied, "Well, you know, my favorites." Who knows? Looking back at it now (after having looked up the band's history online), maybe she was expecting something like, "All my Ozma albums," as an answer.  :D

On top of all that, Ms. Wick mentioned that, um, Patrick is going to be at our next class on Thursday (the program runs after school on Tues. and Thurs., weekly) to work with us on the math sections of the SAT. She did note that they were friends and that he was the drummer for the band. Again, it was mostly blank stares from the students in the room. I kind of had an impulse to ask, "Were you guys signed to an independent label? I think I've heard of you guys." or something to that extent, but I'm naturally an introvert so I was hesitant to do so.

So yeah, it's particularly awkward to describe what happened today, not having been an Ozma fan or anything; but it's an interesting situation for me nonetheless.  I mean, having read up on them, I realize that Ozma has toured with the likes of Weezer, so they weren't exactly a totally local band or anything. Looking at this forum, I can tell they have a fairly substantial fanbase. It's just a bit surreal to realize I'm being tutored on the SAT by someone who has recorded and released albums + toured with internationally-famous bands. Quite surreal, indeed. So yeah. Which album should I start on?  :)


The Other Mike

dude, you gotta get us a boot of your next class.
blackjack1084 (11:02:36 PM): eat my ass
blackjack1084 (11:02:38 PM): and get a life



i h8 u

doubble donkey disc was the one that really got me into them
"in the immortal words of Thomas G. Warrior: ughhhhh!!"



I think it's pretty cool and considerate that he actually took all the time to come here and make that write-up for a fanbase he doesn't know much about

P.S. Duke ain't too far away! Bootz of gym class lolz!


Not Jason

You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.


Ask her if she's seen Napoleon Dynamite.  I'm surious if she saw the Ozma shirt.  :)

Oh, and yeah, thanks for being kind enough to tell us of your mighty coincidence, and welcome to the boards.   :teehee:
~Ozma is now back.  Do a dance!  :D

To hear more from this strange man, go to the journal.
I also have two podcasts, one updated weekly, and one updated whenever I find the time.  The weekly one is Comic Timing and is found here.The other is "The Geekspeak Report" which is found here.


I was talking to a friend tonight about Ozma, and we were talking about how no one really knew what Pat and Star were doing in this whole aftermath.  Nice to get an update, thanks.


"Just tell me one thing - is this business, or is it personal? Because if it's business, then I'll go away happily. But if it's personal? I'll go away. But I won't be happy."


Quote from: The Other Mike on February 15, 2005, 05:55:56 pm
dude, you gotta get us a boot of your next class.
No one else thought this was funny? plus one to you.
It would be sweet to have Star teach one of my classes.


 :-[ i wish cool things happened to me. 

and rock and roll pt.3
stream my radio show on mondays 7-8 pm @ http://www.wvum.org

Not Jason

rock and roll part three is definitely the one to listen to first i'd say.
You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.


wow, thanks so much for letting us know about that.  that's bloody incredible.  lucky bastard.

besides listening to rock and roll part three, you should see some of their music videos.  it'll give you a sense of star and pat actually playing.  i think you can still find some on http://www.kungfurecords.com .


I applied to Duke Medical School...

They said get your MCATs up to at least 32 (eeeekkk!!!) before re-applying...

This is definitely more incentive to get those scores up...


holy crap, what a coincidence. i'm taking the SAT class as well, and have Star as my instructor. what high school are you from?




dude that is fucking cool.

one time, pat, ryen and dan actually showed up at a fucking Caltech (pasadena college) party. my friend recognized them and brought me over and i didnt even know what to say. i talked to dan for a bit. i was also really drunk. later that night i saw pat outside (i hadn't seen him yet) and i was like, dude.. you guys are my favorite band ::drunken blabbering::. he smiled and said thanks.

that was a funny story

Not Jason

creepiest thing ever was when i saw piebald.  aaron noticed my ozma shirt and informed me that star had told him that he'd probably meet me at the show.  I kinda thought he was full of shit, then a month later at the ozma show star runs up to me and says "my boyfriend said he met you at the show in maine!"

so weird knowing that two of my all time favorite bands talk about me when i'm not around.
You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.


are you gonna update, interior_decor? i'm totally interested in what's new in that class because i'm a creepy loser guy.
"in the immortal words of Thomas G. Warrior: ughhhhh!!"


yeah, well i'll give you guys a small update. so today was our math session and we had Patrick as our instructor. He was seemed to be a pretty mellow guy. Gave us a little intro about himself, went to Occidental, majored in Philosophy there and some of his tour experiences.  The session itself was pretty boring, but he was a cool guy. We asked him if he could play some Ozma, he said he had a box full of Ozma cds lying around, and he'd bring some next time and give them to us for FREE.

also he's been playing in his new band ACUTE. I think he said something about them playing gigs recently at parties for Paris Hilton, and that they should be getting some stuff together soon.

Fantastic Max

February 18, 2005, 10:52:17 pm #23 Last Edit: February 21, 2005, 07:24:43 pm by heysarahsarah
Quote from: theninthhour on February 17, 2005, 11:34:20 pm
I think he said something about them playing gigs recently at parties for Paris Hilton, and that they should be getting some stuff together soon.


mod note:side scroll makes me want to stab things.
"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a pizza in my mouth."
-Donkey Lips