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Anyone Else Unbelievably Disappointed?

Started by Tideplaya, May 15, 2007, 10:11:26 am

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"in the immortal words of Thomas G. Warrior: ughhhhh!!"



Forgive the typos, I'm a bit sleep deprived.
Nice try though, but you don't even know what song/parts I'm talking about.



Quote from: varnon on May 17, 2007, 05:13:42 pm
Forgive the typos, I'm a bit sleep deprived.
Nice try though, but you don't even know what song/parts I'm talking about.
Yeah, you showed her...

bulb dylan

Quote from: varnon on May 17, 2007, 05:13:42 pm
Forgive the typos, I'm a bit sleep deprived.
Nice try though, but you don't even know what song/parts I'm talking about.

Yeah, nice try. We all know that Star doesn't even have an account here! :supereyesroll: That's why I think it was really nice that Ryen let her use his account.


So that actualy is Star?
Well my apologies then. Somehow that night you did manage to fool my friends and I into thinking you played as I described.
I'm actualy glad that you don't play that way because it was pretty dissapointing to think that you did.


May 17, 2007, 05:41:20 pm #98 Last Edit: May 17, 2007, 05:53:06 pm by Bob Loblaw
Quote from: varnon on May 17, 2007, 05:13:42 pm
Forgive the typos, I'm a bit sleep deprived.
Nice try though, but you don't even know what song/parts I'm talking about.
tell us? please tell us.

even then, it doesn't matter. every member of ozma is valuable because they're what makes the band. with "pasadena," they've all made their contributions known. especially Star (because, you know, she steps up to sing on several of tunes. there's also way more synth).

you not liking it (star's voice. as you've said in another thread) is your own business. not that you're not allowed to voice your opinion... just don't be surprised or butthurt if someone calls you a dick for being rude to a member of their beloved band.

edit: forget the last part.
"in the immortal words of Thomas G. Warrior: ughhhhh!!"

Potentially Tim


Zombie Don Ho


Am I the only one who wants to strangle anyone who thinks STOTBL and RRP3 are similar sounding? To me, Pasedena makes perfect sense with the progression of Ozma's sound.
Also, who likes eponine and dislike bad dogs? In that combination? I don't like either.

I am pleasantly surprised with Pasedena.


Quote from: varnon on May 17, 2007, 05:37:38 pm
So that actualy is Star?
Well my apologies then. Somehow that night you did manage to fool my friends and I into thinking you played as I described.
I'm actualy glad that you don't play that way because it was pretty dissapointing to think that you did.

So, let me get this straight... you're having a go at Star because YOU were wrong about her?

No offence, but you're making it difficult for anyone to pay heed to your stupid opinions when you implicity blame someone else for your mistakes.
"Just tell me one thing - is this business, or is it personal? Because if it's business, then I'll go away happily. But if it's personal? I'll go away. But I won't be happy."


Just had my first listen.  Pretty good stuff for the most part.  Incarnation Blues makes me happy.
The light cast dark shadows all around me

Not Jason

Quote from: varnon on May 17, 2007, 05:37:38 pm
So that actualy is Star?
Well my apologies then. Somehow that night you did manage to fool my friends and I into thinking you played as I described.
I'm actualy glad that you don't play that way because it was pretty dissapointing to think that you did.

And why would it matter?

People have been using programmed synth and auto-apregiators for decades.  The fact that you weren't able to spot an obvious arpegiator in action raises serious doubts in my mind about your credibility to even be discussing this.  If you listen to very much synth driven music, odds are, I could point out a handful of similar examples from "skilled" keyboardists.  It's a common practice and entirely acceptable in my opinion.  Also, using tempo sensitive things like that in a live setting is always risky.  I think she deserves credit for not fucking it up, because I frequently fuck up trying to tap start my drum machine.
You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.

The Argyle Rebellion

First of all, Varnon, learn to spell please.

Anyway, so what if the synth is pre-programmed and there is a tempo assistance on it?  Star still is EVERY BIT capable of rocking the keyboards... as she said, post a video of yourself doing some of the stuff that you described and then try to call her out as being a fake... at least you apologized in some form, but still... jeez.

P.S. -- Star can sing really well.  At Rhino, she walked outside and you could hear her outside the door singing.  Really beautiful voice.



Incidentally, since a popular argument in discussing the album seems to be "If you don't agree with my opinion, you don't listen to enough music/know enough about music", then I'm going to come right out and say that anyone who doesn't like Motorology deserves to have their ears cut off.
"Just tell me one thing - is this business, or is it personal? Because if it's business, then I'll go away happily. But if it's personal? I'll go away. But I won't be happy."

The Argyle Rebellion

Seb, you bring out a perfect point.

Seriously, when did OzmaFans get so politicized?

People are people and as people, they like different things... if someone doesn't like Pasadena, it doesn't mean that they don't listen to enough music or good music, it just means they didn't like it.

Needless to say, I love it.  But you don't see me telling people to cut their ears off or jump off a cliff because they don't like the album.

Seriously, people, respect other people's opinions and they'll respect you.



Can we all agree that calling people out for spelling on the internet is lame?  Okay, good.

Maybe Samuel created Star?  Another grammar police?


Quote from: funwithsponges on May 18, 2007, 05:53:49 am
Can we all agree that calling people out for spelling on the internet is lame?  Okay, good.

Maybe Samuel created Star?  Another grammar police?
A typo here or there is not something to be jumped all over for, but if your posts are full of spelling and grammar mistakes you're not going to look intelligent and there's nothing wrong with holding people to a higher standard than that.


Quote from: funwithsponges on May 18, 2007, 05:53:49 am
Can we all agree that calling people out for spelling on the internet is lame?  Okay, good.

Maybe Samuel created Star?  Another grammar police?

Haha! I was about to post something like "Oh no! We've got another Samuel on our hands!"
I'll be rising high above the earth so soon, and the tears I cry might turn into the rain that gently falls upon your window. You'll never know.


Look how many posts there is in this thread after Star posted.

I wish all the music experts would disappear.


Quote from: Seb on May 17, 2007, 11:47:37 pm
Quote from: varnon on May 17, 2007, 05:37:38 pm
So that actualy is Star?
Well my apologies then. Somehow that night you did manage to fool my friends and I into thinking you played as I described.
I'm actualy glad that you don't play that way because it was pretty dissapointing to think that you did.

So, let me get this straight... you're having a go at Star because YOU were wrong about her?

No offence, but you're making it difficult for anyone to pay heed to your stupid opinions when you implicity blame someone else for your mistakes.

Well, if you reread the quoted post you will notice that that was an apology.
I *could* keep arguing that I saw what I discribed, but there isn't any sense arguing with another person about what they did. Thus the apology.

I guess that kind of thing doesn't really need to matter, but it does to me. The vast majority of keyboard players I've seen don't actualy play the keyboard, they just program and start it. I just feel like if the music is ment to be performed then it should be performed. Starting a keyboard program and leaving it running throughout a whole song is not the same as actualy playing music. Its also not the same as playing and looping and building up things that are otherwise unpreformable that way.
I'm also a keyboard player, and I am often dissapointed when I hear something cool, and then see that the band doesn't actualy play it. And then its also irritating when the keyboard player who doesn't play anything is cooler than me.
I know, people should be able to make use of current technology. But its like a musical lie to me, if that makes any sense.

Not Jason

What you're describing isn't exactly right though.  An arpegiator isn't just pushing a button and letting it go.  The way arpegiators usually work is you set the tempo (as star said, with a tap start) and then you press down all the keys that you want to be arpegiated.  The benefit of this is that you can use it to create things you wouldn't otherwise be able to, like arpegios spanning several octaves at high rates of speed, or even arbitrarily ordered note selection and things like that.  However, the tempo does need to be said and the full chord needs to be manually selected in real time.  It's not like casio chord, it's a bit more advanced.

It may also shock you to know that the drum part at the intro to "Natalie Portman" is a drum loop from an old casio.  That's probably cheating to.

Sorry Tom, as long as people are speaking inaccurately, I feel obliged to respond.
You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.

I Like Ozma

i dont think jose can play the flute like star can.
Quote from: Elliott on December 09, 2006, 03:02:12 pm
Good point, too bad theyre gonna criticize you now.


Man, I totally forgot she even played that. I may not like her as a keyboard player but I can't say anything bad about her flute skills because I don't know anything about flute.
I really wish they would use that a few more times. One of the songs from DDD had the flute in it, and I really like that song, sadly they didn't play it when I saw them live.


Quote from: varnon on May 17, 2007, 02:42:17 pm
I also really dislike the production values of this album. This is more of a personal issue... but I don't like how super clean and produced everything sounds. It sounds like a band making music that they can never represent live. There area few added things here, extra layers that they won't do live. That actualy doesn't bug me too much. But the way the instruments were recorded and mixed, as well as all the enhancing efects, it takes away from the energy of the music. And it won't sound the same live.
I actualy saw Ozma live once, except for Star everybody really knows what they are doing. The show wasn't a great show, and I'm sure it was a fluke. The house wasn't good with instrument levels that night, they usualy are. Ozma didn't seem to notice, whatever, they still played pretty good. This album though, will be impossible to capture live.
Pretty much all my problems with this CD I think stem from Ozma's want of fame. I sympathize with them I guess, but it isn't a trade off I would make for my band.

I can see why someone would not like recorded music that is not reproducible live, but I think there are pretty good arguments against that sort of thinking as well, though it's all personal preference in the end.
Recorded music and live music are different mediums, and an artist might as well exploit the advantages of both. If you can add a few cool things to your studio recording to make it more interesting, why not? As long as you're able to put on a good live show it shouldn't matter. I don't know how Ozma is with that, I've never seen them and probably never will (Australia), but I reckon their bootlegs sound pretty good. A prime example is Deerhoof. Their studio albums have a TON of shit that can't be exactly reproduced live. Countless synth, drum machine and guitar layers. Their live setup is guitar, bass and two-piece drumkit with one cymbal. But their live performances, and most people who've seen them will agree, are bat fuck insane. And I contend that most albums around have musical devices that aren't reproducible live.
I actually think a lot of the sounds on the new album are pretty raw and edgy (compared to STOTBL especially), but that's only judging from myspace and HvH.
Unterreiner is tall and surprisingly thin, given that the floor of his closet is stacked high with junk food. Boxes and bags of Doritos, Twinkies and Ho-Hos spill out onto the floor. He has towels around his window to keep out the cold air at night. "I hate this old house," he said bitterly, then changed the name of an unfinished track to "Cold Day."


Well thanks for clarifying the synth jargon. I don't play or have one. I actualy found the part I'm talking about. It might actualy not be as easy to play as I thought, but its hard to hear exactly what it does. It doesn't sound like it takes a Liszt to actualy play it though.
The song is Spending Time, and somebody actualy recorded the show I was at (I didn't even notice!)
Heres a link.
So everybody knows my extreme stance on performing only what you can perform. Okay, we got that, its extreme and not for everybody I know. But it was like the coolest keyboard part in the song, and I look over there and she is just holding down some keys and adjusting a knob. To me at least, thats not a cool thing to do. The machine is doing to work, not the person. I guess it doesn't actually make her a bad musician, I guess she can play all sorts of cool stuff outside of the band and I never know, but it was pretty dissapointing for me. I'm sure everybody does that crap, and almost every synth player I see only does that crap, but I thought Star actualy played that part. My bad.


The keyboard is a bastardized version of the piano and isn't a real instrument! You're not a real musician unless you're playing a piano!

Just using your logic from a different angle...

(and being difficult in general, which is always fun)
I'll be rising high above the earth so soon, and the tears I cry might turn into the rain that gently falls upon your window. You'll never know.

Zombie Don Ho

it just seems like such an arbitrary, stupid thing to take offense to.