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Pasadena Album Synopsis

Started by Fantastic Max, May 02, 2007, 04:05:54 pm

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I Like Ozma

not just the way they sound. but the meanings of the song and the overall feeling that it gives me.
Quote from: Elliott on December 09, 2006, 03:02:12 pm
Good point, too bad theyre gonna criticize you now.


I'm not too fond of it. My general opinions can be found in the "i hate it" thread.

No comments on the old songs. They really shouldn't be on there.

I don't like this one. I don't like the verses or the chorus. The part after the second chorus is cool though. Really cool, almost cool enough to save the song, but noe quite.

Fight the Darkness
I don't like this one. I don't really mind the vocal repitition. Its not a great thing, but its not what turns me off from this song. I just don't like any of the music of the song. Except for the last part. But again, not cool enough to redem the song. Weak ending too.

Man Star should not being singing. Back up somtimes is okay, but I really don't dig her opening, or any of her vocals in this song. And pairing her inexperienced vocals with Daniels, bad move. It actualy makes Daniel sound not so good. I actualy like the song though, but man, take Star out.
However, if you want to be famous then I guess it is a good move. The forums were obsessed with her before Ozma broke up, and live people cheer more for her than anybody else. All it takes is a somewhat pretty female face for some one with no talent to be cool. And it makes the band "cool' too. Ozma, or the management, knows this I'm sure, and thats why she is so prominent here.

Incarnation Blues
I'd rather have Jose singing falsetto than Star's backing vocals, but at least its not so prominent. Good solo melody in the begining. The music here is actualy pretty good. The chorus and verse aren't the best, but there are lots of melodic peices thrown in inbetween. Another weak ending though...

This song is just... not good. Least favorite song easily. It actualy gets a LOT better as the song progresses, but I still dislike it. The opening of the song is terrible I think.

Its not bad. But there really isn't a part of this song that I love. Nothing that catches my ear.

I Wonder
This is actualy probably my favorite song on here. Esch, I didn't see that coming. However, I really really wish they would have made a more live sounding recording. Or maybe have Ryen and Daniel double both the guitar and the vocals and record it liveish.

Underneath My Tree
This one has some cool parts in it. I like the build up at the end pretty well. Its a pretty close buildup to the Ozma standard, but its a big different. I like the triplets. Pretty weak ending though.

Strait Flush
Probably my other favorite. Again I would have produced it in an totally different way. This one has some power in it, which I feel the other songs lack. The overdriven vocals are a cool idea, but just a bit off.

I'd rank the album 2/5
For reference so you know how I rank the albums and other bands.

RRP3 4/5
DDD 4/5
STOTBL 3.5/5


Fragile 4.5/5
Close to the Edge 5/5


Quote from: varnon on May 17, 2007, 03:19:13 pm
Strait Flush
Probably my other favorite. Again I would have produced it in an totally different way. This one has some power in it, which I feel the other songs lack. The overdriven vocals are a cool idea, but just a bit off.

okay mister producer... how would you have done it? please, i want to know.

i'm not really fond of the mixes, but for the most part i hear a solid record.


Well I'm not a producer. But I have been in studio. And I plan to go back into studio some time in the near future. Most of the ideas I have in things I hear are things I was NOT able to do durring my quick rush job in studio. We really didn't have enough time (or money for the time). I've also recorded my own stuff several times. Its really provided me an ear for what *I* like.
Also my current job involves proccesion audio taken from public speeches and putting them together with the video to be made into DVDs. I've had to develop a good ear for effects and equalizations for this. Most of the audio I have to work with is really bad quality, its a bitch to clean up.
Really the reason I listen so closely to production details is so my next recording can be better. I don't do it to hate on other bands just for fun.

Anyway, if you want a quick summary, the I'll say I want it more 'raw' sounding. I think the the music and vocals are very powerfull and I think that a more raw sound would be very fitting. This goes for the rest of the album too, but especialy for this one. I would actualy really like to hear a good quality live recording of this song.
There are allways different ways to produce songs, mine isn't the best way for everyone.

And if you want specific details then read on.

So I'd want the guitars in the intro would be a little overdriven or distorted. Not heavy, but just enough that you would be pissed off if you wanted a clean sound. I really like the chords made in the begining either by playing all the notes at once or by arpeggio. A little bit of distortion would enhance the sound I think. I would have a dirtier tone, which I think would be more fitting.
You can cut out all the effects on the vocals. Both Dan and Ryen are very good singers, and I feel the effects just hide that. With out the effects they sound better and more real.
"leave it up to me babe"
The first two times you hear this you really hear too much of wind sound on babe, I'm sure they had a wind screen, it probably just went unnoticed.
I'd also turn the guitars up for most all of the song. Its a powerfull song, and the vocals are definatly powerfull enough to cut through louder guitars.
Theres some acoustic guitar in there too. Pretty hard to hear. I'd at least try to increase the sound caused by picking the strings if not the whole instrument. Even if you really don't want the listener to hear they guitar, the picking sound has a nice percusive sound too it. I think it would add to this song rather than take away from it.
The bass... as in almost all rock is very difficult to hear clearly. Especialy on a crappy system like I'm listening to this on. I like to mix things so they sound good on a crappy system. Ususally when you do this you can't hear much of a difference when listening on a good system, but it makes a world of difference on a crappy one.
I'm pretty sure that there is a Star saw wave on most of the song. Ozma allways like to turn her way down on parts that don't emphasis her. But I'd turn it up enough so the normal listener would hear it. I do think it should be much less prominient than the other instruments. Just make it a litte easier to spot.
And man, not even a production note, but I'd have to mention it to these guys if I produced them. The ending is weak. The ending note is unresolved, and thats probably intentional... but I'm sure there is a better way to end it.


I think the dissonance in the Daniel/Star harmonies in HvH is some of the best sounding vocal stuff on the album. 

nerd reich

May 18, 2007, 02:08:28 am #125 Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 02:29:22 am by nerd reich
Varnon really needs to shut the fuck up with the star bashing.   ;D 

I hope to god that members of ozma don't take any of these posts seriously.  The album is great.  Barriers, FTD, Heartache v. Heartbreak, and Incarnation Blues could easily be radio hits with the right exposure.  Lunchbreak, motorology, I wonder, under my tree and straight flush are not radio songs but perhaps even more rewarding to listen to.  The production is great- sonically the album sounds more similar to the band live than any other album they have released.  The synths and effects are integrated more seamlessly than the ones used on Spending Time.  All the instruments blend and sound more true and lifelike than they have on the previous albums.  There is a LOT going on in each song, I can't believe that people can take one listen and decide they don't like it.  There is sooooooooo much to like.  But I guess thats why I'm more of a fan than all you tards. ::) ;)

The Argyle Rebellion

I agree with you, Nerd Reich.

Fight The Darkness could especially be a good single... it's catchy enough to hit the radio hard and hit the radio swinging.  Heartache Vs. Heartbreak could also do well, however I'm concerned whether, if released, it would actually garner airplay and be able to compete in a market where traditionally, more energetic music is played, although I'm relatively sure (at least in the L.A. radio market) that Indie 103.1 would give it at least a few spins.

Moving on... I really believe that this album is the best example of production in an Ozma album.  It's somewhat glossy, but yet, it doesn't sound overproduced.  I will agree with someone's post earlier and say that the overdriven vocals on Straight Flush aren't the best option, but I'm not the producer or the band and I'm not about to tell them how to make a record.  They've been doing that far longer than I have.



I've got to say that barriers and incarnation blues age better with time. I tried to listen to the each of the songs a bunch so that aging wouldn't be a factor. But I like those two better now.
Piebald released and album once (All Eyes...). And I actualy hated the whole album. But now I love it, its weird.


I feel the same way about Pasadena as I originally felt about Maladroit.  ...Just kind of conflicted.  But it's growing on me.


May 18, 2007, 05:17:44 pm #129 Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 05:30:09 pm by FireAarro
Quote from: varnon on May 17, 2007, 03:19:13 pm
Man Star should not being singing. Back up somtimes is okay, but I really don't dig her opening, or any of her vocals in this song. And pairing her inexperienced vocals with Daniels, bad move. It actualy makes Daniel sound not so good. I actualy like the song though, but man, take Star out.
However, if you want to be famous then I guess it is a good move. The forums were obsessed with her before Ozma broke up, and live people cheer more for her than anybody else. All it takes is a somewhat pretty female face for some one with no talent to be cool. And it makes the band "cool' too. Ozma, or the management, knows this I'm sure, and thats why she is so prominent here.

Is that Star? Where's Rachel on the album then? Or is it both of them? (edit: it sounds like both of them)

Quote from: nerd reich on May 18, 2007, 02:08:28 am
I hope to god that members of ozma don't take any of these posts seriously.  The album is great.  Barriers, FTD, Heartache v. Heartbreak, and Incarnation Blues could easily be radio hits with the right exposure.  Lunchbreak, motorology, I wonder, under my tree and straight flush are not radio songs but perhaps even more rewarding to listen to.  The production is great- sonically the album sounds more similar to the band live than any other album they have released.  The synths and effects are integrated more seamlessly than the ones used on Spending Time.  All the instruments blend and sound more true and lifelike than they have on the previous albums.  There is a LOT going on in each song, I can't believe that people can take one listen and decide they don't like it.  There is sooooooooo much to like.  But I guess thats why I'm more of a fan than all you tards. ::) ;)

C'mon... everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and yours is no more valid than that of someone who doesn't like the album, or some bits of it, or the production of it or whatever. Varnon has made a good shot at making his opinions clear and supported, and acknowledged that they are subjective.
Unterreiner is tall and surprisingly thin, given that the floor of his closet is stacked high with junk food. Boxes and bags of Doritos, Twinkies and Ho-Hos spill out onto the floor. He has towels around his window to keep out the cold air at night. "I hate this old house," he said bitterly, then changed the name of an unfinished track to "Cold Day."


I'm pretty sure Ozma doesn't really care what we say (well mostly).
Anything we can say bad about the album probably doesn't matter to them, unless its something that they aren't happy with anyway, and allready wanted to change.
Seems like I remember Daniel getting pretty pissed when STOTBL leaked because they weren't the final version though. Rightfuly so I think. I don't even know which versions are on my computer. I might have been listening to the bad ones all this time.
For a production value comparison... I really like what they did with Lightyears. Although I've moved away from standard rock and listen more to prog now (which is allmost allways 'under'produced) I do like the little things they added with Lightyears. Gameover though, it was just too much for me.


Quote from: varnon on May 18, 2007, 06:40:19 pm
Although I've moved away from standard rock and listen more to prog now (which is allmost allways 'under'produced)

Haha, I went through a prog phase a few years back. It's not really underproduced, I think. Generally the bands have enough money to buy really expensive stuff that allows them to do what they did in the studio live (i.e. Rush). If you want an example of something Prog which was on the studio recording but not really reproducible live, it's the bit in Perpetual Change by Yes where they pan the band off to the left playing the fast riff, and fade in the band playing the slow riff at the same time (and put a guitar solo on top). That's at least three guitar tracks! On Yessongs (live album) the drums and guitar (until it has to solo) and organ play the slow bit and the bass and synth play the fast thing along with that, and there's no fade in, just a sudden transition.
Unterreiner is tall and surprisingly thin, given that the floor of his closet is stacked high with junk food. Boxes and bags of Doritos, Twinkies and Ho-Hos spill out onto the floor. He has towels around his window to keep out the cold air at night. "I hate this old house," he said bitterly, then changed the name of an unfinished track to "Cold Day."

Scott Peltz

Upon first listen, my prediction came true. I liked about half the songs. Some of them have grown more on me now, but I'll go through them one by one as that seems to be in high fashion as of late.

no one needs to know - like eponine, this seems stale to me on the new album. it was never my favorite though. the new flute it kinda cool.

Barriers - used to not like it, but it has grown on me a little. I can listen to it now and enjoy it. It does rock in concert.

eponine - Love the original, but the new one seems...stale to me. Not as much feeling as the other one. I don't really think that it would do well as a single, so I kinda wish they would have just left it alone.

fight the darkness - for some reason I've always liked this song. the lyrics don't really do it for me, but it rocks. I think the drums during the prechorus really sold me on it. I don't think it would do well as a single, like someone said though. I mean, just read through all the reviews of people who hated it on first listen. that's not what you want in a single.

Heartache - awesome. they should have made this or incarnation blues the single instead, because it's catchy, and I think people could get into it right away. Plus it's filled with simple lyrics about love that 13 year old girls (aka the only people who listen to the radio) would be able to understand and sing along to.

Incarnation Blues - 2nd favorite song on the album right now. a really great idea for a song. The idea that maybe it would have worked out if they could think like the other person magnified into actually being the other person is really cool.

Lunchbreak - I loved the intro first time I heard it. definitely cars like someone said, but I get a big ELO vibe too. At first I thought the rest of the song ruined something that started so great, but it's starting to grow on me. Not quite there yet, but maybe like 10 more listens and it might get better. Does anybody think that Ryen's writing has been seriously altered by drug use or something, because I don't what the crap he is singing about in the songs he wrote on this album. Mainly barriers and fight the darkness I guess. Weird lyrics plus weird guitar stuff that never really clicks in are pointing me to the thought that he's been having some seriously good times writing music.

Motorology - Another song I was iffy on, but is growing on me. Dont really know what it's about, but the bttf thing is interesting. My wife also pointed out to me the strong 1984 references, which I'm not sure if those have been brought up before or not, but "double think" and "the truth will set you free..." are pretty overt, I think. Well, she thought, and I agree with her.

I Wonder - I've loved since the moment the first chord opened. the strings really add to it too. Favorite song on the album.

Underneath my tree - I can see the resemblance to shooting stars in the first three chords, I guess. I don't remember Ryen and Daniel singing in unison like that before. works okay I guess. this song may have been a little overhyped for me too, but it does rock. It's definitely one of the better songs on the album. the build up part is definitely rockin.

straight flush - for the life of me, I cannot get into this song. the growly vocals seem to not fit in at all, and the lyrical content just seems completely pointless. If there's some deep meaning to the poker references, i don't get it. It was pretty good at the SF concert, but wish they'd cut it out and played heartache instead. Seems like the worst song on the album, which surprises me because I always like Daniel's writing better. I'm somewhat surprised at how much all of you like the song so much, but I guess it's just another testament at how much musical tastes differ, even within the same band.

Overall, it's pretty good. I'll still have to listen to it a few more times before the songs will really sink in and I'll know for sure. But it's definitely better than ozma being broken up, so I'm happy.

Martha Gail

Quote from: FireAarro on May 18, 2007, 05:17:44 pm
Quote from: varnon on May 17, 2007, 03:19:13 pm
Man Star should not being singing. Back up somtimes is okay, but I really don't dig her opening, or any of her vocals in this song. And pairing her inexperienced vocals with Daniels, bad move. It actualy makes Daniel sound not so good. I actualy like the song though, but man, take Star out.
However, if you want to be famous then I guess it is a good move. The forums were obsessed with her before Ozma broke up, and live people cheer more for her than anybody else. All it takes is a somewhat pretty female face for some one with no talent to be cool. And it makes the band "cool' too. Ozma, or the management, knows this I'm sure, and thats why she is so prominent here.

Is that Star? Where's Rachel on the album then? Or is it both of them? (edit: it sounds like both of them)

It is both of them.  So I don't know how he can say anything about her inexperienced vocals, because who is more experienced than Rachel Haden.  I rather like the way the three of them sound together.  Also, I really think it's rude to say she's "a somewhat pretty female face with no talent."  Seriously Varnon, what do you do that makes you so great?   
That's Cobra on Cobra action.


May 20, 2007, 08:50:43 am #134 Last Edit: May 20, 2007, 08:52:33 am by heysarahsarah
Varnon should not be listened too.  That song is fastly becoming my favorite Ozma song of all time, and the vocal harmonies are the main reason why.  Rachel Haden is most certainly the main  vocal (I've heard her work enough to recognize it), and if you don't like Rachel Haden singing, there's something effing wrong with you.  The woman's voice is Samuel.  And why the hell are you bashing a band member in every damn thread?  Star is a capable musician, and this song indicates she should probably write more songs...the lyrics are great.  Hell, the full title is great.

I don't believe in ass kissing.  I didn't like STOTBL that much when I first heard it, though it grew on me steadily.  This album really really grabbed me on first listen.  I don't think the band is unhappy with the album, and I don't know what gave you that impression.  I don't think they would have chosen to put the reworks on there, but I don't think they distract from the album too much.  I like that version of Eponine better that the original (:o) which has never been my favorite song, but is still catchy.  I like the No One Needs To Know better on DDD, but that version isn't awful either.  I think Ozma was probably smart to listen to management if it means they will be able to make more albums in the future, though I agree with Scott that HvH or Incarnation Blues would have been better singles.
Bob511i: But SARAH is my <3

No day but today.


Lunchbreak is growing on me hardcore.  I always liked the song, but its quickly becoming my favorite track on the album. 


May 20, 2007, 11:05:52 am #136 Last Edit: May 20, 2007, 11:10:13 am by varnon
Well she still sounds awfull to me.
Anyway, I'm not saying anybody is somewhat pretty and not talented.
But if you have a chick in the bad that is somewhat pretty, thats all it takes.
Its like having a novelty instrument. People favor keytar over synth even if they play the same things.
People just really like stuff like that. I know its weird to say a girl is a novelty, and I don't agree that it should be that way.
But if you just watch the way people act, you will see what I'm talking about.

And at this point I don't think I need to go on my little rant explaining why Rachel whoever shouldn't be singing if she doesn't play with them. But as much as I don't like her vocals in the song, maybe Star actualy does a better job live. She did Wake Up too right? Sounds fine there.

The Argyle Rebellion

Varnon, not only do you not have to go on your rant about Rachel Haden, but you do not have to go on any more rants.  It's completely obvious that no matter what factual evidence we provide for how talented Star and Rachel Haden are, you will just try to disprove it with dollar-store logic and complete misinformation.

Let us get this straight; you are on an Ozma fan board and you're still taking shots at Ozma, the band that everyone on this site universally likes.  I admire the fact that you don't get angry when you get flamed, but for God's sakes, get some musical knowledge and realize that Ozma is doing you one better with music and quite obviously is a collective of five talented people.

No disrespect intended to anyone through this post, but I just don't think Varnon is listening and doing his homework on what we have told him.



Sorry, I just really dont like her vocals in that song. I did say she sounds good on STOTBL.


Quote from: varnon on May 20, 2007, 12:40:49 pm
Sorry, I just really dont like her vocals in that song. I did say she sounds good on STOTBL.

I'm confused, are you talking about Star here still?  Because Wake Up is also Rachel Haden. 

Just wanted to point that out, but might as well state my stance while I'm at it..  Rachel and Star are both Samuel.
We can blast way inside


Rachel Haden.
Star does the stuff live though right? I actualy couldn't hear much when I saw them, the house sound guy wasn't the best that night. I hear Star does a pretty good impression though.

Ah, its been fun playing with you guys, but I got to go. (ozmafans rejoice!) The internet is ruining my life, and by that I mean I am letting the internet take up all my time.


Rachel Haden is also a member of that dog. and has sung songs for both Weezer and The Rentals.  It is seriously baffling that anyone could not like her vocals, or compliment them more on Wake Up in which they are just barely audible.

Seriously, dude.  You're insane.  Entitled to your opinion, but insane. 

Also, no one prefers the keytar to the synth...why would they?  They serve vastly different functions.  So I hope that was just a joke line to prove your stupid point that Star is just a gimmick.  Which doesn't work because she isn't.  And LOTS of bands bring in guest musicians that are friends to round out songs on albums...heck, Postal Service would not have exited were it not for this concept.  Bands have done this for decades and its a standard and awesome practice. 
Bob511i: But SARAH is my <3

No day but today.


varnon has other things to do with his time?


Quote from: machatte on May 20, 2007, 03:28:55 pm
varnon has other things to do with his time?

...no. He's writing a book called "why females are inferior at music"

The Argyle Rebellion

If Varnon ever does write a book like that, I want first copy.

I need to hold up my chair with something.



May 21, 2007, 03:18:41 am #145 Last Edit: May 21, 2007, 03:26:20 am by FireAarro
Quote from: heysarahsarah on May 20, 2007, 08:50:43 am
Rachel Haden is most certainly the main  vocal (I've heard her work enough to recognize it),

When I listen to it closer, most of the female vocals in the song seem to be sung by two voices simultaneously, to my ears at least. Some bits where it isn't are the "almost perceived it was love" bits. I reckon the two voices do about equal work overall. Basically varnon's argument about untrained voice is dead now though.
Unterreiner is tall and surprisingly thin, given that the floor of his closet is stacked high with junk food. Boxes and bags of Doritos, Twinkies and Ho-Hos spill out onto the floor. He has towels around his window to keep out the cold air at night. "I hate this old house," he said bitterly, then changed the name of an unfinished track to "Cold Day."

The Argyle Rebellion

To my delightfully-untrained ear, the only place in the song where Rachel Haden is singing would be the chorus.

The rest of the song would appear to be Star's vocal underneath some sort of effect, though for the life of me I can't figure out which effect they put on her voice.  It just sounds like two people because the effect makes the vocal sound expansive and even a bit like it is doubled.


The Other Mike

I think that's just the vocals being doubled.
blackjack1084 (11:02:36 PM): eat my ass
blackjack1084 (11:02:38 PM): and get a life



Yeah, listen to enough Elliott Smith, and you get used to double-tracked voices.

Can I just add that with every listen, Motorology gets that bit more awesome. I think one of the most inventive and challenging things they've ever recorded. I love that it starts out sounding like something cheesy and almost eighties metal, and then turns into something else entirely. There are about three or four different songs in there. It's brilliant.

And if you don't like Straight Flush, you need your ears testing. It's as pure and straight-down-the-line a great piece of songwriting as Brummel has ever come up with.

There are still tracks that I skip past (Fight the Darkness and Lunchbreak, mostly), but all in all... it's a fine record. It's just too short. And Eponine shouldn't be on there. But I've a real hard-on for the new version of No-One Needs To Know.
"Just tell me one thing - is this business, or is it personal? Because if it's business, then I'll go away happily. But if it's personal? I'll go away. But I won't be happy."

Indoor Fireworks

Quote from: varnon on May 17, 2007, 04:12:57 pm
So I'd want the guitars in the intro would be a little overdriven or distorted. Not heavy, but just enough that you would be pissed off if you wanted a clean sound. I really like the chords made in the begining either by playing all the notes at once or by arpeggio. A little bit of distortion would enhance the sound I think. I would have a dirtier tone, which I think would be more fitting.
You can cut out all the effects on the vocals. Both Dan and Ryen are very good singers, and I feel the effects just hide that. With out the effects they sound better and more real.
"leave it up to me babe"
The first two times you hear this you really hear too much of wind sound on babe, I'm sure they had a wind screen, it probably just went unnoticed.
I'd also turn the guitars up for most all of the song. Its a powerfull song, and the vocals are definatly powerfull enough to cut through louder guitars.
Theres some acoustic guitar in there too. Pretty hard to hear. I'd at least try to increase the sound caused by picking the strings if not the whole instrument. Even if you really don't want the listener to hear they guitar, the picking sound has a nice percusive sound too it. I think it would add to this song rather than take away from it.
The bass... as in almost all rock is very difficult to hear clearly. Especialy on a crappy system like I'm listening to this on. I like to mix things so they sound good on a crappy system. Ususally when you do this you can't hear much of a difference when listening on a good system, but it makes a world of difference on a crappy one.
I'm pretty sure that there is a Star saw wave on most of the song. Ozma allways like to turn her way down on parts that don't emphasis her. But I'd turn it up enough so the normal listener would hear it. I do think it should be much less prominient than the other instruments. Just make it a litte easier to spot.
And man, not even a production note, but I'd have to mention it to these guys if I produced them. The ending is weak. The ending note is unresolved, and thats probably intentional... but I'm sure there is a better way to end it.

regarding what you said, specifically the part about the ending note...

its one thing to tell a band how they should "produce" their music, but you're telling them how to write it. i usually refrain from saying such things but, dude, shut up.

PS: I like it when musicians play around with abnormal cadences.
You have balls. I like balls.