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If you can read this, Samuel is still a ph@gg0t

May 18 - Slims, SF

Started by patty, May 16, 2007, 04:29:19 pm

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where's the sf show thread?

oh here it is.


Going.  Hope they play old Eponine.  Hope I can figure out the detour to get me back on 580 on the way home.  Thanks, truckers!


i'll be going.

i hope this show gets recorded.
"in the immortal words of Thomas G. Warrior: ughhhhh!!"


i just now bought my ticket online. i wasnt sure if i'd make it for sure, but since i just did a hell of a lot of catch up on my bookarts projects, i think im in the clear to spend friday night at the show (as long as i spend the rest of friday slaving away at an etching press). look for me if you're there. i think i'll be alone as the only people i know for sure that will be there are my ex's friends. all my own friends have lives outside of ozma now.


i've been waiting about a year for that. god it was nice.


One of the best Ozma shows I have attended.


great show.

i was also able to talk to everybody but ryen which was nice.

i learned that dan was an extra in "shortbus." but you don't get to see his  PENIS  .
"in the immortal words of Thomas G. Warrior: ughhhhh!!"


I recognized bob, patty and sarah, but thought it would be weird to say hi

they sort of played Iceland, which was cool

dan called star "stizzle berry"


Couple questions for you guys...did Ryen seem like he didn't wanna be there?  I dunno, Underneath My Tree seemed really like...just going through the motions, in terms of his vocal performance.

I guess what I'm trying to say is last night was the most "I don't wanna be here" that I've ever seen him look on stage before.  Am I just misreading?  We all know his general stage presence, it just seemed different last night.

And the drums seemed inconsistent.  Not to say the DRUMMING was inconsistent, but the drums themselves.  Seemed like the snare was either too tight, or mic'd too loud.  It seemed to take over on certain songs (Eponine, Incarnation Blues come to mind).

HOWEVER, drumming was very very excellent on Tetris and Straight Flush.  Especially Straight Flush, good lord they kill that song.  Sounded really good on the little "freakout" after the first chorus in Battlescars too.

I also enjoyed New Years Day coming out during Battlescars and Rocks.  They seem like they have lots of fun playing (the song content seemed a bit TBS/STD, but at least they enjoy themselves on stage).

Oh, and I had this group of drunk couples in front of me, I think there were 2 couples.  And like, they kept gradually coming into my personal space and I was already backed up against one of the posts, and it was just really annoying.  Also, one of the dudes kept feeling up his chick and he would sing the songs to her and act like it was this great romantic thing he wrote for her (No one needs to know but me and you, I breathe your name and suddenly I feel happy again, pretty much all of wake up, etc).  It was annoying.


Quote from: funwithsponges on May 19, 2007, 08:58:33 am

Oh, and I had this group of drunk couples in front of me, I think there were 2 couples.  And like, they kept gradually coming into my personal space and I was already backed up against one of the posts, and it was just really annoying.  Also, one of the dudes kept feeling up his chick and he would sing the songs to her and act like it was this great romantic thing he wrote for her (No one needs to know but me and you, I breathe your name and suddenly I feel happy again, pretty much all of wake up, etc).  It was annoying.

you've never been drunk with a lady at a show, have you?


Nah, not really.  I don't mind the drunkenness, I don't mind the feeling up, I mind the invasion of my personal area.  I was standing there first.


Quote from: funwithsponges on May 19, 2007, 08:58:33 am
Oh, and I had this group of drunk couples in front of me, I think there were 2 couples.  And like, they kept gradually coming into my personal space and I was already backed up against one of the posts, and it was just really annoying.  Also, one of the dudes kept feeling up his chick and he would sing the songs to her and act like it was this great romantic thing he wrote for her (No one needs to know but me and you, I breathe your name and suddenly I feel happy again, pretty much all of wake up, etc).  It was annoying.

might have been the same drunk broad that was grind dancing her boy toy during wake up next to me. her elbo kept finding my face. which pole where you at? i was right hand to the stage, kinda middle pole.

and for future reference, SAY HI TO ME IF YOU SEE ME AT A SHOW! i wont think it's weird. hell, if i had a better memory for faces, i'd alienate all of you. of course i hella alienated sarah's brother when my cafinated/highofozma self ran up to them to say hi. and, as always i alienated ryen.


hey- yeah, sort of a bummer show for me last night - I have to assume I was just really tired from driving all night to get to SF after our LA show.  I really felt bad because I was making a lot of mistakes and I felt like I couldn't focus! really hard for me to deal with when the audience is so Samuel and deserves a solid show from every member of the band. 


I was in between two poles on the right hand side during NYD and Ozma, I guess it would be the second and third poles.  The girl was a tall, thin blonde, kinda cute.  I was in the middle of the two poles, but then gradually got pushed back towards the third pole as the crowd kinda pushed forward, and they started dancing and stuff.  I hope I didn't annoy the people at the little table around that third pole.  Oh well.

I didn't see you, otherwise I would have said hi.  I didn't see anyone, actually, though I think you, Bob and Sarah are the only people there I would have recognized.  I don't know what Justin or Bob Loblaw or Scott Peltz look like.  And I don't think Karen is an Ozma fan anymore.  Or at least cares enough to go to shows.


i saw dan of the rock on stage taking photos. at least i think that was dan. didnt he & karen used to be pretty tight?


Quote from: machatte on May 19, 2007, 12:50:59 pm
hey- yeah, sort of a bummer show for me last night - I have to assume I was just really tired from driving all night to get to SF after our LA show.  I really felt bad because I was making a lot of mistakes and I felt like I couldn't focus! really hard for me to deal with when the audience is so Samuel and deserves a solid show from every member of the band. 

that's totally understandable.

i didn't notice too much (and i actually think you were great during the first half) until you were apologizing after "restart." then i felt kinda bad. regardless, it was still a great show and had a lot of fun... for the most part. it still baffles me how some people feel the need to get overly physical to the point of pushing and shoving for the sake of it. my friend's glasses broke because of that shit.

i recognized most of the people including funwithsponges. i'd give it a second thought, but would probably never say hi to any of you guys due to being a pussy. if you saw an asian guy wearing plaid and a thin lizzy shirt, that was me.
"in the immortal words of Thomas G. Warrior: ughhhhh!!"


People should not be nervous to say hi.  I mean, hell, I met bob because of Ozma/at shows, so obviously I don't mind talking to people from here :)  patrick, I was looking for you, but didn't see you anywhere..we were way in the front by Jose.

I have 3/4 of the show on video, which I'm going to make sure to synch up to audio better this time.  Bob recorded, but the grand majority of the show was distorted :/  The encore sounds great though, so I'll make sure to use his audio on my videos.  Not sure if any of the rest of the show is salvageable, unfortunately.  :/  Ryen, don't worry.  The show was awesome, and we had a lot of fun.  I'm glad people were having a good time.  I didn't even get squished much and I was in the front row! I think it was because people saw me filming.

I'll post links to the videos when I have them up.

Great job, guys.  And I hope the Riverside show was cool too. \m/

Plus, my brother was so star struck.  It was cute.  Also, Patty, he thought you were hot ;) (how could he not?)
Bob511i: But SARAH is my <3

No day but today.


Quote from: machatte on May 19, 2007, 12:50:59 pm
hey- yeah, sort of a bummer show for me last night - I have to assume I was just really tired from driving all night to get to SF after our LA show.  I really felt bad because I was making a lot of mistakes and I felt like I couldn't focus! really hard for me to deal with when the audience is so Samuel and deserves a solid show from every member of the band. 

Yeah, I didn't really notice any of the mistakes, I think maybe it's easier to hide when you've got two other guitars and drums going, not to mention keys and vocals.  And to be honest, I only really noticed it that one song, you actually looked "into it" pretty much the rest of the show.

Maybe you just need to shred a bit more.  Maybe ripping into a fat extended Eponine solo would make you feel better?  Yeah, I think so.  Just a thought.   ;)

Though at the end (I think towards the end of Battlescars, or during Rocks) you were on the floor.  Anyone who saw, or Ryen if you're still reading, did a cable come out or something?  I was in the back, so I couldn't see over people, I was just curious.

On an unrelated Slim's note, I was kinda laughing at the signs in the bathroom in the back that say pardon our remodeling.  I've been going to Slim's for like 6 years now and the bathrooms look exactly the same.  Oh well, I enjoy that venue a lot.  I've seen quite a few good shows there.

And yeah, Sarah, sounds like I was on the complete opposite side, way in the back.  Oh well.  They'll be coming back soon enough.


Oh and another thing I forgot to mention.  Well maybe a couple things.

Loved Jose leading the clapping during No One Needs to Know.  That was amusing to watch.

Star singing back up on I Wonder sounded really good, and I hope it leads to Heartache vs Heartbreak being played live soon.  I really like that song (I Wonder).  Really really good song.

I think I paid more attention to her tonight than usual cuz of the recent comments about her playing, and there are definitely a lot of little melodies she plays that I never really noticed before cuz it's usually covered up by the other instruments and hard to pick out if you aren't listening for it.  That was fun.


The Slim show was great. It's the BEST show I've ever been to.

No more Sacramento Ozma shows for me. I am willing to drive down to where ever to watch Ozma.

BTW, I met Katherine at the bars last night. You made fun of me for drinking beer and we had a light conversation. You later told me that you were a theater major and you also like Weezer. We parted later but you told me to go look for you, but I couldn't find you after the show. You were a really cool girl to talk to and I would like to talk to you for some more. If you would like to, or someone knows this Katherine, please private message me? That would be awesome. If not. I guess will wait for the Ozma show in SF.


Aw how cute.  It's a missed connection in the forum ;)

Bob511i: But SARAH is my <3

No day but today.

Scott Peltz

Awesome show. I was really nervous about how the new stuff would come out in concert, but all of it rocked. I actually thought that Ryen looked better than he does at most shows.

Am I going crazy, or are they usually in opposite order on the stage. I tried to tell that to my wife, but she disagreed.

the iceland thing was super cool, as was the clapping during NONTK. I was hoping for the cool new flute part, but oh well.

Ryen, if you were tired last night, I hate to think what you were like this morning in LA.

Sometimes I wish I was a drinker. It seems to make shows so much better, and make it so much easier to talk to people, especially the band.


Quote from: heysarahsarah on May 19, 2007, 06:45:30 pm
Aw how cute.  It's a missed connection in the forum ;)

Yup, it's a missed connection. I commented on Ozma's MySpace also. But I doubt that they will approve my comment. sigh. I dont wanna be a stalker looking though all 30k ozma fans, hah.

Hope I'll see her @ the next Ozma show in SF.

Yes, beer does makes socialize easier. At first, I saw Jose @ the will call line, I saw Ryen and Daniel walked right passed me, and I didn't say anything. After the show and 2 beers later, I walked up to Jose and shook his hand. It was a bad idea because he was surrounded by girls, but I did it anyways.

Star was H O T.



Hey guys. ive been an ozma fan since about '02 I think but last night was the first time I was able to catch them live. Samuel. it really does seem to be one of the best shows they've put on yet

I'm an Indie Director here in SF, but I shoot alot of concert stuff for fun.

I was the dork in the blue polo right in front of Star with the Camcorder.

I felt like a douchebag holding it up all night... but I'll let the footage speak for itself.

I had to whore it out for my youtube channel so theres a small "ad" in the begging I made. but if anyone at ozmafans wants to host it Id be glad to have a clean version for this site.

Also the raw video is in 1080i High Definition so it looks stunning.

Take a look. Please be nice though. :'(

Ozma - Last night at slims - Rocks

The audio is a bit jumpy and the sound is off, also the compression is a bit much, im going to see if I can upload a better version

I have nearly the entire set on tape, but I picked my favorites the songs I have, that I will edit and upload eventually are:
No one needs to know, Domino Effect, Eponine, Natalie Portman, Rocks (the above uploaded vid), Battlescars, Iceland, and Spending time.

The best one by far is Battlescars, I think the framing was pretty good, it comes in at about 8 minutes, And I got New Years day coming out etc. Im very happy because Battlescars is my favorite Ozma song, and how I feel about my love life alot. :D



Well cool, because rocks is one of the few I didn't get (too many people bumping into me).  I was on the opposite side of the stage.

Bob's working on cleaning these up, but obv the video will be no where near that quality since it was just a little digital cam.  Still :)
Bob511i: But SARAH is my <3

No day but today.


Id love to see a version of  Domino Effect (I think) because my tape ran out JUST as the crowd was getting into it, and that was pretty rad.


Here's the pics for those interested:


Bob511i: But SARAH is my <3

No day but today.


Great Pix!

heres Korobeiniki


the sound is a bit better than the last video, but I didnt have time to add any alternate edits in there like I did with rocks



Why does everyone put up old songs?...

It'd be nice to see the new ones live.


Oh hai, thanks for looking in my mouth and all.

...Imma gift horse, btw.

Dude, chill out, when I have my videos done, I'll post them.  There are new songs on there.
Bob511i: But SARAH is my <3

No day but today.