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Was Ozma's breakup truly that tragic?

Started by Radionesiac, January 22, 2005, 07:56:45 am

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I mean, I don't get the vibe, especially for being away from you guys for so long, that Ozma is even relevent to your musical tastes anymore. They were an important gateway band for us and opened the doors in a lot of very important ways, but how much do we connect with their music on a true personal level at this point? Would we even care if they were to reunite for a tour or a goodbye-show? I'm just torn, they were my absolute favorite band for a long time and were unbelievably important to me, and when they broke up I was admittedly upset, as they symbolized a really innocent growth-period that I'm sure we've all gone through. But when I listen to them now, it just isn't the same and my mom got scared and said "You're movin' with you Auntie and Uncle in Bel Air". I whistled for a cab and when it came near the licence plate said "Fresh" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I knew that this cab was rare, but I thought "Aw, forget it. Yo home, to Bel Air!" I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie "Yo, homes! Smell ya later!". I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there to sit on my throne as  the Prince of Bel Air.


it is awfully early in the day to be drunk, isn't it?



aw hell nah!  :kim:

Ozma's break up was indeed sad, as with pretty much any band. However, when they did this it was their first step to really growing up in my opinion. You already saw it coming with STOTB, with their more mature sound. They didn't want to be "lol video gayms lol" ozma anymore. They wanted to be Pat, Star, Dan, Ryen, Jose

Is this making any sense? I'm trying to say that their breakup was in fact for the better, and that is why the breakup didn't hit me as hard or as surprisingly as it did with others.

I think we should incorperate a Will Smith emoticon.


Yeah, it definitely wasn't a surprise. It was also kind of a shame in hindsight that they had to even make "Spending Time." It had its moments but amongst the hardcore fans, Ozma always was  about videogames and unrequited love and all the stuff that was so important to us when we were coming into our own. They did what they needed to do, helped us grow up as we lived vicariously through them, and moved on. If they'd continued I think they would have become an irrelevent self-parody.


i do not agree.  had they stuck it out, i think they would have began to make music that was pretty different from their signature sound.  pepole probably wouldn't have liked it.  but who knows really?  also, shouldn't this be in the ozma forum and not in ot? 


Yeah, it should be. Habit of coming here though. Shut up.

The Other Mike

January 22, 2005, 11:29:33 am #8 Last Edit: January 22, 2005, 11:58:18 am by The Other Mike
Did anyone ever use the will smith yahoo messenger theme?  That shit was stoopid phat.
blackjack1084 (11:02:36 PM): eat my ass
blackjack1084 (11:02:38 PM): and get a life


I think the other half of why it was so sad was because I always assumed they'd make it big. I remember thinking a few years ago, "When these guys get popular, am I gonna turn on them and call them sell-outs or stick with 'em?"

but you see, this belongs in OT. OT is where the true Ozma fans are. who cares what the laaaame general discussioners think. AM I RIGHT EH? *hi-fives*


January 22, 2005, 12:09:34 pm #10 Last Edit: January 22, 2005, 12:15:30 pm by amish
off topic?

anyways... I still listen to Ozma. A lot. I have many other tastes as well, and I go in and out of fazes, but Ozma is always there. I suppose that's why I run a fansite :D

and yes, this belongs in OT


Quote from: Radionesiac on January 22, 2005, 09:33:07 amamongst the hardcore fans, Ozma always was  about videogames and unrequited love and all the stuff that was so important to us when we were coming into our own.
Shock of shocks: shallow perception of a band does not have staying power!  :o

They made some good songs, and were most recently making even more interesting good songs.  It would have been nice to see where that would have gone with that.

Not Jason

i was upset, but i was quick to accept that it probably had to happen.  it seemed to me like they were growing in all these weird directions and they couldn't necessarily make them work with the old classic sound.  spending time was a good album when they allowed themselves to kind of work completely outside of the mold, but it always turned kinda forced when they tried to bring it back around to the rock and roll part three type of sound.  in my opinion of course.  the break up i think was a positive thing because it gave us daniel brummel solo and yes dear.  i don't care much for daniel brummel's new stuff, i try not to make that too much a secret, but it's good that he's doing stuff that's more purely what he wants, instead of compromising in a band he doesn't really feel like doing anymore.  and i think yes dear is EASILY superior to spending time and i also enjoy listening to it more.  so in hindsight it's definitely not such a huge tragedy.  it's a shame that i won't get to see them live anymore, but i got to see them 5 times, and that is something.
You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.


I like Ozma, but I never really liked them too much. It wasn't really tragic to me... just a band with some real personality behind them whose music I used to help me learn guitar and talk to friends about. I agree with Bob that it would have been nice to see where they were going and to hear another album.

Fantastic Max

I was completely surprised, seeing as how I saw them a few nights prior, play their last show. And I, not knowing it was their last show, thought it was a joke, wondering if it was some way April 1st again. But no.

One of my friends used to love Ozma more than me, and actually got me into them, and now he's like "Pfft, my taste has matured, Ozma's shit." Pisses me off.

Ozma'll always live with me, I'll never grow distant, and as a previous poster said, that he/she goes through phases. I do the same, I'll go a couple months without Ozma, then go two or three weeks, full-force, Rock & Roll Part 3, mostly.

Ozma will live on...   In our memories.

And our cd players.
"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a pizza in my mouth."
-Donkey Lips


you're as cold as ice.

bulb dylan

Quote from: Radionesiac on January 22, 2005, 09:33:07 am
If they'd continued I think they would have become an irrelevent self-parody.


Not Jason

Quote from: Cold Faithful on January 23, 2005, 10:44:25 am
Quote from: Radionesiac on January 22, 2005, 09:33:07 am
If they'd continued I think they would have become an irrelevent self-parody.


yeah, i can't say i agree with that sentiment either.  I do think however that it seemed from my perspective that they were struggling in that format, and now that all the primary creative forces are working on new projects of their own, i think the directions of them all seems much more pure and unrestrained.  and that can only ever be a good thing.
You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.


I'm super excited for the new projects: Yes Dear is nice if a bit surface-level, and Dan's stuff knocks me out, especially cause I've rediscovered folk music this year.

But I strongly disagree with percieving of Ozma as "a band who wrote about videogames and unrequited love" deems them shallow. Perhaps the reason I feared them becoming self-parody was because they were exactly the band I needed them to be at the point in my life when I needed them, and I related to them more than any other. The fact that I wasn't that person anymore, and they weren't those people anymore, scared the shit out of me when they were putting out STOTBL. So in hindsight, again, it was a positive and necessary thing.

The Other Mike

I'm looking forward to dan's next project.
blackjack1084 (11:02:36 PM): eat my ass
blackjack1084 (11:02:38 PM): and get a life


Well, while I do enjoy Yes Dear and Dan's stuff, I do indeed miss Ozma.  Still, they are pretty damn good in their seperate parts.  Almost as good as they were together.  And I am anxiously awaiting what the final product of Dan's album will sound like.

Oh, and at least we still have Commuter Music!  If Dan and Ryen can still work together, then you neevr know what might come somday...

For now I'll just enjoy what we have.  I miss Ozma, but there is other music out there.  I would have hated the breakup more had all the members decided to work in a dry cleaner's instead of pursuing other musical interests...
~Ozma is now back.  Do a dance!  :D

To hear more from this strange man, go to the journal.
I also have two podcasts, one updated weekly, and one updated whenever I find the time.  The weekly one is Comic Timing and is found here.The other is "The Geekspeak Report" which is found here.

Indoor Fireworks

I think all the post-Ozma music is great, but Dan and Ryen were much better when they were together. It almost seems like they balanced eachother out; one had a stronger pop-sensibility while the other had an urge to convey depth and sorrow. I hate to make this comparison because I really don't like Weezer, but they were like Rivers and Matt Sharp. Theyre great when separated, but much better when theyre together.
You have balls. I like balls.

Kris Danger

i think if ozma were to get back together they would blow are fucking minds seeing as how they have all matured worked on different projects and whatnot. OZMA 4 LYFE.

says the guy with an ozma tattoo


hahaha @ permanant.

I agree, though, if Ozma came back they would be very good.
I want Yes Dear to like, get better. And advance... and ...yeah I don't know what I mean. But I want it.
And DB has really come along and his music is great.
Star and Pat can suck it.
Mostly Pat.
Not so much Star.

But yeh. Ozma breaking up... sad.



Am I the only one who thinks Yes Dear is pretty terrible?




Quote from: mike on September 24, 2005, 09:47:25 pm
Am I the only one who thinks Yes Dear is pretty terrible?

i sorta think that because i havent really listened to anything of theres
i love 'prove it' but the other ones were 'meh'
i probably give them a second chance in like a day...

Not Jason

See, I wanted to be all about Yes Dear because "Prove It" blew me away, but I also agree that they kind of went downhill after that.  "Orion" was a pretty rocking song, but yeah, a lot of it can be safely classed as "meh".
You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.


Yes Dear isn't horrible... it just isn't great. It just some anonymous indie rock that everyone is doing these days.

Ozma was Samuel because they were so young doing Samuel songs. I remember I discovered them on where 99% stuff on there was garbage.  Daniel uploaded Battlescars asking if anyone thought it sounded good.

They also did things that other young bands weren't good at... they toured, they released merchandise that wasn't from cafepress and they created a loyal following.
"I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members."