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Is Ozma your favorite band?

Started by Potentially Tim, November 11, 2004, 01:05:54 am

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Potentially Tim

November 11, 2004, 01:05:54 am Last Edit: February 04, 2007, 01:09:35 am by Bullies to go
Are they?


They tie weezer as my favorite too.

The Other Jon

My favorite band is The Beatles, followed by Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin.  So I don't think Ozma would feel too slighted.


I don't pick Favorites, but if i did they would be near the top.
"Kinda sucks, yeah, but so does Hayden Christiansen at the end of Jedi."

Not Jason

in certain respects, yes.  i like so much music though, it's not as though any one band is the end all.
You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.


November 11, 2004, 07:12:07 am #5 Last Edit: November 11, 2004, 07:13:39 am by amish
Quote from: Not Jason on November 11, 2004, 06:31:10 am
in certain respects, yes.  i like so much music though, it's not as though any one band is the end all.
exactly my feelings. I have certain moods. During certain moods (definition of mood in this context is a collective feeling over an extended period of time) I enjoy certain types of music. Sometimes I'm heavy on Ska. Sometimes heavy on grunge/punk. Sometimes I'm heavy on Ozma. Sometimes "anything BUT ____". It's an always moving sort of thing.

I can't say Ozma is my favorite. Because that would imply that they are always my favorite. However, consistently I always enjoy Ozma and would never say "turn it off".

EDIT: For example, today at work (right now) I am in such a mood for Songs of (In)Audible Trucks and Cars it's funny. It's looping around and around... Lorraine, Iceland... mmm... Good coding music.


i would say Ozma is in my top 3 of favorite bands. i really dont think i can pick one to be "The Favorite" because i really love them all.

In alphebetical order only:

Beatles, The
Handclaps and Harmonies


I used to consider them my favorite band, but I haven't really listened to them in a while.  However, I'm not even sure what favorite band #2 is, and I don't think I would be willing to promote them to #1.

Lately I've been listening to the same shit, but I don't think I would call any of it my favorite.  So just because I dislike change, I'll call Ozma my favorite.  For now, at least.


rrp3/ddd are the two albums that i own that i can put on and keep on repeat without getting pissed. pinkerton comes close but i have stupid memories associate with weezer now. mainly my ex.

but ozma is one of my top bands. the other ones rotate depending on mood.
Quote from: Golden Laser Sword on May 20, 2010, 05:36:25 am
It is funny how you can get tired of something someone does, and the other person ends up being the sympathetic character. It feels like some shitty Apatow movie.


I  am an ozma freak, and love them as my favorite.

(Pink floyd is still the best band however)


I wouldn't really consider Ozma a favorite... I like their music, but honestly I don't listen to the band all that often.


stream my radio show on mondays 7-8 pm @ http://www.wvum.org


I would say they definitely are my favorite.

The Other Mike

nah... they might make my top ten though.
blackjack1084 (11:02:36 PM): eat my ass
blackjack1084 (11:02:38 PM): and get a life



I have a top 10 of bands, and there really is no set #1.  But Ozma certainly is on the list.  If I'd have to make a list, the 10 would be, in no particular order...

Rilo Kiley
Harvey Danger
Snow Patrol
They Might Be Giants
The Cardigans
The Postal Service
~Ozma is now back.  Do a dance!  :D

To hear more from this strange man, go to the journal.
I also have two podcasts, one updated weekly, and one updated whenever I find the time.  The weekly one is Comic Timing and is found here.The other is "The Geekspeak Report" which is found here.


Nada Surf
Pixies/Frank Black

I weep when I think I'll never go to an Ozma gig.  :'(




i get really sad too.  as much as i like the albums, the absolute best part of ozma was seeing them live.  usually i don't like live stuff nearly as much as the albums, but they really had something.


Well, see, there is favorite as in music I like absolute most (which changes daily) and favorite as in a band I am passionate and care a great deal for and feel connected to on a lot of levels (musically, lyrically, socially [dude, I met my boyfriend through Ozma])...Ozma is my favorite in that sense.
Bob511i: But SARAH is my <3

No day but today.


like most people's tastes....mine have changed over the past 4 years.  All i know is that BECAUSE of Ozma and especially because of the OOF...I've found out about more bands that I can handle...and have grown to LOVE some of them....like for example:  I've been falling in love with Rilo Kiley and now consider them top 3 in the eschlons of Weezer.  I knew about Elliot Smith, but never bothered to listen to him until people on here told me to....and I'm so glad they did cuz Elliot Smith has now become one of my favorite artists (bumping J. Timberlake from my top 5 singer/songwriters). 

basically...ozma and this forum has led me to sooo many new things that I can't really claim it ALL as being a "band" anymore.  Ozma has become synonymous, to me, with music, people and even small things like Flash Games.....

I really dunno how to describe it but like that....


Quote from: kitten on November 11, 2004, 07:42:11 pm
as much as i like the albums, the absolute best part of ozma was seeing them live.Ã, 

I think Ozma was infinitely better live than on the album, and juding from the reaction to the production on STOTB, I think most would agree. Ã, On this note, I am excited to see what Jose does in Yes Dear because he was probably the best member to see live.


Quote from: funwithsponges on November 11, 2004, 08:24:20 pm

I think Ozma was infinitely better live than on the album, and juding from the reaction to the production on STOTB, I think most would agree.  On this note, I am excited to see what Jose does in Yes Dear because he was probably the best member to see live.

Well, now that he will be playing guitar and not drums, chances are it will be more of the Jose we know and love, bouncing around and spreading his energy throughout the crowd.

And yes, Ozma was fantastic live.  I found them at a live show, and their live "Battlescars" has always blown me away.  Substantially better than the R+RPIII version, which is Samuel in its own right.

And "Eponine" was always fun to watch live.  Great stuff indeed, and I'm sure Yes Dear shall follow that tradition quite well.
~Ozma is now back.  Do a dance!  :D

To hear more from this strange man, go to the journal.
I also have two podcasts, one updated weekly, and one updated whenever I find the time.  The weekly one is Comic Timing and is found here.The other is "The Geekspeak Report" which is found here.


I sort of have tiers of bands... I have my all-time top two, then a few below that, then a few below that. But within each grouping, there's no particular order of favourites - I'd find it impossible to choose between them. Ozma, however, only make it into the second tier, like so :

(the two that are above all others in my eyes, and probably always will be)

Then the next lot, in which Ozma fall, are (but in no order) :

Nada Surf
Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
They Might Be Giants
The Get Up Kids
Rilo Kiley

... and then there are more below that grouping that I'd find it impossible to order. So yes, Ozma are one of my favourite bands, but I doubt they'll ever find the same place in my affections as Blur or Weezer, especially as they're not recording any more.
"Just tell me one thing - is this business, or is it personal? Because if it's business, then I'll go away happily. But if it's personal? I'll go away. But I won't be happy."


seb, i would really like you to send me more Ooberman  and silver sun.  please.  aim:  fouette52


Not since 2001. I don't listen to them all that much lately. But RRP3 will always hold a ridonkulously special place in my heart, and I still pull it out now and then. Sometimes I get a giddy feeling and think "I'm going to listen to Ozma today when I get home!" I've been meaning to buy the DDD remaster pretty much since it came out. If I had that copy I'd probably listen to that album more often too.

Clive Warren

no.  i'd say they were at one time, which was when i joined the original oof, but definitely not anymore.  right now, it would either be muse or pinback.
We're all gonna have so much fucking fun we'll need plastic surgery to remove our goddamn smiles.


I didn't realize how many others really dug Muse til now. 8)

they were #3 when I got into them my sophomore year of HS.
#5 junior
around #7-9 senior

these days, every now and then they make the top ten (changes monthly) but not often. :-\


Yes.... Ozma is my favorite band. Ever.

Oh by the way,

Hi, name's nick, I was on the ozmaonline boards and now I'm here. w00t!

Funny quote of the week:
"anyways, if you want to keep arguing about how the mae shi sucks, go for it.  Just know that you are wrong."
-The Other Mike


what a tough question

i also have a tier system with my favorite bands

my sophomore year of high school through my senior year, ozma was number one, and the only other bands that made it to the first tier were weezer, rilo kiley, and modest mouse

ozma hasn't fallen from the first tier, but it is getting crowded (cursive, the good life, bright eyes, piebald, radiohead, the long winters, nada surf, etc.)

capture your flag


Ozma seriously wouldn't even be in my top 15.

- Mike


i would have considered them to be one of my favorites at a point in time, but that time has passed. i think my system is similar to the tier system of one tanner illingworth.